Friday, July 9, 2004

Keeping Time

“You better blog about this.” Clint says on the ride home. He’s in the backseat with the window wide open; his head is resting on the door frame, his hair is blowing in the breeze. He’s not cold. He’s unpacked his queen-size down comforter that we picked up from the dry-cleaner earlier, and wrapped himself like a caterpillar. Or some such bug. (Wonder what he’ll have morphed into by the time we get home and he has to break free from his cozy cocoon? Is there a masculine equivalent to a butterfly?)
“Maybe you’d like to be a guest contributor on my blog? You can write about it yourself” I suggested.
“Maybe I should just start my own blog.”
“You could do that…”
“But someone should write about tonight. That was so cool. I love Jazz. Are you going to buy the CD? Maybe I should buy it. I want my own copy.”
“I need one too. Gotta download his songs onto my JukeBox.” Max says.
“Really? You’d put Nelson’s jazz songs on your MP3 player mixed in with Joey Ramone’s punk rock noise?”
“Yeahhh. His stuff is awesome.”

I am amazed. We are on our way home from Regent College where we were guests at a special performance called Keeping Time, featuring Nelson’s original jazz compositions and arrangements. The music was linked thematically by the seasons of the liturgical calendar and included were readings, dance, and a visual art display. I didn’t think the guys would be this enthusiastic. It was a “mature”, professional evening. They were certainly the youngest (and most casually dressed) audience members. But they loved it.

“Readings are so cool. Especially with the music in the background. It was so good, that one part where…” and he repeats a whole paragraph that had an impact on him.
“Yeah. It’s so coffee house. The whole readings, jazz, art work thing.”
“Yeah.. So cool.”
“I wonder if he’s going to put out a video?”
“We should shoot it for him….”

Hmmm. Clint’s as nice as a butterfly. He doesn’t even need to untangle himself out of that blanket… Maybe it’s the music? Maybe Jazz makes you kind?


In case you’re interested in purchasing your own copy of Nelson’s very cool jazz arrangements, go to . They should be available by the end of the summer.

Three beautiful things:
1.Huge, stately, mature trees that line neighbourhood streets
3.Craggy, weather-beaten shorelines

One not so nice thing:
Cats that used my freshly weeded, nicely hoed garden as a litter box. Grrrr.

That’s it for today. If I remember correctly, Bertuzzi’s case comes before the courts tomorrow (the 9th); so if you are so inclined, maybe you could join us in praying for him?
Take care.

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