Friday, November 12, 2004


Ten places I’d to visit: (in no particular order)
- Quebec City
- The Land Down Under
- Greece
- Barkerville (with my boys)
- Bryce Canyon (with my boys)
- Cabo San Lucas
- Any city where you can see the Northern Lights (with my boys)
- Sedona, Arizona (with my camera)
- England

Nine things I’d like to change:
- The suffering and hunger in third world countries
- The attitude of my oldest offspring
- The size of my ass, stomach and neck
- The flooring in my family room
- The way families are disintegrating
- The way all 4 seasons are exactly three months long… I’m thinking it’d be nice to shorten up winter and spring.
- How hairy I am
- The way it takes 5 remotes and 14 buttons to simply watch a DVD at my house. Or the way the router keeps losing my internet connection.
- The 60 minute hour. It flies by too fast. I submit we slow down time.

Eight random thoughts:
- Houses with large windows are brighter than those without.
- Lawns should be fertilized more than once a year if you desire healthy dark green grass.
- Self centred people are no fun to be around.
- Skinny people get cold quicker than well insulated ones.
- To clean a fridge properly you need to set aside an hour or two.
- The smell of fireworks is not offensive.
- Raising Helen was not a bad movie.
- Having an electric pencil sharpener on my desk makes me feel rich.

Seven books on my night table:
- The South Beach Diet. NOT
- Bird by Bird, Anne Lamott
- Grace for the Moment, Max Lucado
- Elements of Style, Strunk and White
- Thinking Out Loud, Anna Quindlen
- Time: Great Buildings of the World
- Memoirs of a Geisha
- Daily Light

Six favourite days of the year: (in reverse calendar order)
- Christmas Eve
- Saturday of the Thanksgiving weekend
- Last day of school
- June 21 – summer solstice
- Good Friday
- March 1, yay, February is over

Five coveted emotions:
- Peaceful contentment
- Unconditional love
- Bubbly joy
- Quiet self confidence.
- Awestruck appreciation

Four turtle doves:
- He heals the broken hearted, binding up their wounds. (Ps 147:3)
- When you go through deep waters and great trouble, I will be with you. (Is 43:2)
- For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. (Jer 29:10)
- Nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God. (Rom 8:39)

Three most important people in my life: (in order of appearance)
- Clint
- Max
- Drew

Two longings:
- That I would do well at my new job.
- That my kids would each come to know and love God

One last word of advice:
- Don’t get your chin waxed 4 days before you start working at a professional place of business. I’m hoping the scabs will fall off by Monday morning.

Take care,

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