Thursday, June 2, 2005

Meet my Writing Group. (Well, part of it.)

This is Chris. She's just written a book. A real one. With a characters. In a setting. And a plot. With a point. She's quite amazing, actually. Posted by Hello


Christine said...

Bloody-well freaked out when I opened your blog, like I usually do each morning over a cup of coffee did that woman ever get so flippin old. Shocking, the way some people just let themselves go afer 45. But then, she is heading toward 50. Poor thing. I oughta cut her some slack. At least she's still got her teeth -- for a while. But the marbles...definitely GONE.

Christine said...

Hey!!!! Where's the rest of the dang-blasted members. I'm grouchy today. Need another coffee.

JSY said...

That's an awesome photo of Christine ... so BE QUIET, Pissy! You HEAR me??? LISTEN WHEN I'M TALKING TO YOU!

Crap -- sorry -- that last line was supposed to be spoken out loud to Brennan. Oops! It STILL applies, though, farthead.

Okay, more Brennan dialogue. Why is it boys love farts more than their mothers???

Christine said...

It's related to the testicle thing. At puberty their brains settle into 'that' area, and cuz it's so close to the 'other end,' they just laugh when they let one go. Simple physics, my dear. Nothing more than science.

ramblin'andie said...

There was another picture of pissy here that I really liked. But it rissssapeared. bummer

Christine said...

Andie, was that the one of me one the nude beach with that Italian guy? I wasn't pinching his bum, just straightening the beach blanky for him. :) Is Jane's blog protected as an "R" site? If not, I may be in big doo doo.