Tuesday, September 27, 2005

I drove under a canopy of branches just like this

and it felt magical.

Saturday afternoon, after meeting with my writing group and going on a field trip to my favorite used book store, I meandered along the wriggly lake road and headed over to the cabin.

It was Sept 24. I suntanned. And watched people tubing on the lake.
I friggen love this province.

Had a mini "spiritual retreat". Read my Bible, prayed and left a few hours later feeling like a new woman.

A new woman with 4 new books:
1. Ten Big Ones by Janelt Evanovich (to make me laugh)
2. Leap of Faith, An Autobiograpy by Queen Noor (widow of the King Hussien of Jordan) (Because she is beautiful and I'm curious.)
3. Walking the Bible by Bruce Feiler (because it has been described as a heart-racing adventure and an uplifting quest. And apparently, according to the Washington Post Book World, "a pure joy to read.")
4. How to be a Canadian by Will and Ian Ferguson (because Jenn said it was a very funny book and I thought my boys would like it.)

1 comment:

Christine Lindsay said...

Amazing you were too traumatized by my filthy house. I know I am.