Thursday, November 10, 2005

"Mom, can we do the sex talk tonight?" he asked.

Good thing I'm always prepared for conversations like this.
I can't say anymore than that because he reads this blog. So do his friends.

On to a safer topic: Fifteen years ago, my second son was born. Sweet, gentle, beautiful Max. Happy Birthday sweets. Love ya.

In an effort to make this day extra special for him, I booked a dentist appointment for him first thing this morning. Then, on his behalf, I volunteered 4 hours of his time to help with a large mailing we had at work. He stuffed envelopes all afternoon.

Luckily, he has some great friends who dropped by this evening bearing gifts; an ice cream cake, a case of pop (breakfast food for Max) and a "colour your own" cookie, complete with felt pens filled with edible ink:

Three things I'm thankful for:

1. Long weekends. Mine starts tomorrow. Off to Whistler. With my kids and my camera. Does life get any better than this?
2. Perfect dentist appointments today - no cavities. I can't emphasize enough how thankful I am that I don't have to squeeze dental appointments into our busy winter schedule. ("Mom, my teeth feel so they look any different?")
3. Coupons. 50% off one item at Michael's tomorrow. Yee haw.

Proverb of the day:
"Fools think they need no advice, but the wise listen to others." 12:15

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