Monday, January 16, 2006

Are you the one?

If you are the 20,000 visitor to this site, let me know.
I'll send you a prize.
Leave your info in the comment section. I won't publish your name if you'd like to keep it confidential.

Thanks for stopping by,


marc said...

i missed it! i'm 20006! urgh... ;(

Anonymous said...

Hi Jane,

You have an awesome blog, I check in every so often and always enjoy the read and the pics. As I have never posted a comment to your blog, I thought this time I would.

While reading your first post this morning, "Are you the one?" I thought to myself "Am I the One?" I quickly scrolled down to the bottom of the page and was surprised to see I was the 20,000th visitor to your blog.

I think your writing and photos are fantastic! I've always enjoyed your blog. Keep up the great work!

Take care