Monday, January 16, 2006

Ever had one of those holidays where everything feels "right"?

This past weekend was like that.
Everyone was relaxed.
Clean. (The hot pools will do that to you...)
We played games. Read books. Most everyone sat or swam in one of 4 different pool options. Some of us went for a walk while others napped. Some browsed the shops while others hiked the mountain near the springs. We people-watched. Sat in the bar and watched the football game. Kept an ear open for the Canuck's score. Won 17 stuffed animals from the games room. And walked and swam some more.

On Saturday afternoon, Clint, Mandi and I went for a walk around the lagoon. With camera in hand, I kept an eye open for a good Harrison Lake shot. Out of the corner of my eye though, on my right side - not the lake side, I caught a glimpse of something uncommon.

Magical almost.
A dog in a tree.

It was a perfect thing to see.

Some days are like that.

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