Friday, January 27, 2006

Your turn. Hey. What else have you got to do on a miserable January afternoon?

Welcome to the Winter 2006 edition of getting to know your friends.
What you are supposed to do is copy (not forward) this entire e-mail, and then paste it onto a new e-mail that you'll send. Change all the answers so they apply to you, and then send this to the people you care about, including the person who sent it to you. The theory is that you will learn a lot of little things about your friends, if you did not know them already.
Of course, I’ve changed the rules.
I’m posting my answers on my blog.
YOU can blog your answers or e-mail them to me:
Thanks Lori for sending this to me.

1. What time did you get up this morning? Got up at 7:30. Woke up at 10:00.

2. Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds. I was born in June, so Pearls are “my” precious stone, but given the choice, I’d choose a lovely diamond ring.

3. What was the last film you saw at the movies? Tristan and Isolde. S i g h . I had to get the actors' other roles out of my head (Tristan is from the Spiderman movies and Marc was the bad guy in The Knight’s Tale.) I love who Tristan became at the end. Loyalty is very sexy. Love that in a man.

4. What is your favorite TV show? TV? Other than watching ER on Thursday nights, our TV is set to the Simpsons 24/7. I keep hearing great things about LOST and 24, so I’m going to watch them on DVD. I am currently working through West Wing on DVD. Loving it. Watched 3 episodes tonight. Cried at the end of each of them. I’m pretty sure the show wasn’t intended to be a tear jerker. I wonder what’s wrong with me?

5. What did you have for breakfast? Apple Turnover. Why do I have a fat stomach?

6. What is your middle name? Marlene

7. What is your favorite cuisine? Favorite? Like, pick just one? Is “West Coast” a cuisine? I love salmon. But I’m a huge pasta fan… maybe “Italian”? Italian like the Olive Garden. On the other hand, I’m liking Sushi more and more, so maybe my fav is “Japanese”. Why do I have a fat stomach?

8. What foods do you dislike? Anything with curry. Or slimey in texture. Gag.

9. What is your favorite chip flavor? It’s not so much the chip that I like, but the dip. Hmmm. Artichoke and Asiago Dip. Why do I have a fat stomach?

10. What is your favorite CD at the moment? Well, I know for sure it’s nothing that my kids are listening to. Had Newboys’ Adoration on the other day…got us all in the mood for Creationfest. Have a craving to hear some Johnny Cash and June Carter duets.

11. What type of car do you drive? Most days I get to drive my own vehicle: a 98 Dodge Durango that sucks back gas and costs me one month of wages a year to keep it moving. On other days, when he forgets the Durango is not his but takes it anyway, I get to drive our other car which smells like concrete dust and mould, a 1980 Chevy Camaro.

12. What characteristics do you despise? Selfishness. I hate the “it’s all about me” attitude. The phrase, “I have to do whatever it takes to make me happy” drives me nuts. Open your eyes and your heart and take note of the people sharing your life. The sun does not revolve around you. Ahem. Sorry about that rant. I’m passionate about despising selfishness.

13. Favorite item of clothing? Flip Flops. My feet are so pickin HOT.

14. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? EUROPE. Italy. Greece. The Mediterranean.

15. What color is your bathroom? White and very dark sage.

16. Favorite brand of clothing? I love these silly questions. Favorite brand??? Oh, that’s rich. I like the brands that fit.

17. Where would you like to retire to? I did the math. Retirement will not be an option for me. But in that friendly place also known as My Unrealistic Fanatasies, I’d love to have a place in White Rock. I don’t think I’d ever get tired of hearing the waves or watching the sunset. Or, see the photo above. That little cabin on the lake is FOR SALE. My dream would be to build my own cottage and rent it out as a retreat spot for small groups.

18. Favorite time of the day? Not the morning. Never before 10 am. I enjoy doing the afternoon carpool pickups. Suppertime is good. Those 3-1/2 minutes when we inhale our meals are special family times. The most wonderful moment of the day is Drew’s bedtime, when the four of us meet in his room to pray together. Doesn’t happen everyday, but often…

19. What was your most memorable birthday? When I turned 16 (and Jim turned 14) we had a huge party in the green barn at my dad and mom’s place. It was the first time I’d mixed (Vancouver) church friends with (Surrey) school friends. Nothing but good memories.
And then of course there was the year I turned 40. On the Friday night Denise, Terry and Lani took me to Vancouver to a restaurant on Granville Island (Cat’s Meow?) for dinner, then to Death by Chocolate for dessert. We ended the evening by seeing “The Knight’s Tale” which is when my addiction for all things Heath began. On Sunday, Val had a “surprise” party for me…nothing like showing up for dinner and having 55 people staring at you. Oy.

20. Where were you born? Vancouver, BC

21. Favorite sport to watch? Canuck’s hockey live. And Drew playing Volleyball.

22. What fabric detergent do you use? Tide

23. Coke or Pepsi? Rootbeer

26. Are you a morning person or a night owl? Night.

27. What is your shoe size? Size 7

28. Do you have any pets? A few pet peeves…

29. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with your family and friends? I’ve been corresponding with a 42 year old guy on-line. We met as ‘matches’ on As soon as my fat stomach disappears, (maybe by the summer) we might meet. In the meantime, this is enough. Baby steps. He’s got a great way of expressing himself through his writing…and he’s got an amazing eye for photography. Yes, he’s a Christian. Widowed. Two sons.

30. What did you want to be when you grew up? Always thought I was going to be a teacher. But ended up taking business courses in grade 12and changed tracks. Loved being involved in the crafts industry, Miss the creativity.

31. When is your birthday? June 1

Shampoo? This reminds me of the favourite clothing brands question…I buy shampoo based on what it smells like. Some shopping days I like the smell of citrus. Other shopping days I prefer the scent of backberries and mango.

Soap? Again. Depends on what I think smells good on the day I’m buying soap. I have not made a commitment to any particular soap brand.

Day/Night? Night -especially summer nights. When it’s still warm, but there’s a breeze. And the kids and I are at the lake, on the deck. How many more sleeps til July?

Summer/Winter? Summer by a lake - definitely summer.
Favorite Advertisement? That bouncy ball one I blogged about earlier this month.

************RIGHT NOW*****************
Wearing? Flip Flops. Sun Run T-Shirt. Black Jeans with the zipper and button undone. Have I mentioned my fat stomach?
Drinking? Water
Thinking about? How to lose the stomach by spring break. It looks like I just might be taking a road trip. Whoo Hoo. Also thinking about my kids. I guess I’m always thinking about them.

**********THE LAST 24 HOURS**************
Cried? Yup. West Wing. See above.
Met someone new? Uh huh.
Cleaned your room? Nope.
Drove a car? Yes.
How many hours sleep? 4 and a half last night in bed. Half an hour on the couch this evening. I’ll catch up this weekend.

*************DO YOU BELIEVE IN**************
God? Absolutely
Yourself? Not so much.
Your friends? Yup.
Santa Claus ? No
Tooth Fairy? Nope
Destiny/Fate? God's will
Ghosts: Only the Holy one

Ok. I’ve bared my soul. Your turn Lynne, Jen, Ali, Christine, Jenn, Andie, Shelaine, Vern, Sherry, Val, Julie, Mandi, Mom, MomO, Denise, Sandra, Marg, Lisa, Glor, Wendy, Rachel, Persis, CC, Jac, and who ever else stops by but has remained quiet…)

Are you still reading?
It’s done.
I’m finished .
No more questions to answer.
Oh, you’re waiting to see if I say “Just Kidding” regarding question 29 aren’t you?

1 comment:

Jane said...

Just kidding.