Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Just shoot me...

No one else cried.
Not a single person.

We were in a smelly ol gym watching A Wrinkle In Time dramatized by middle and high school kids for goodness sake.
It was opening night and there were the inevitable glitches.
The 4 stages were located at different spots all around the gym, so we kept twisting our bodies to see each act.

Some parts were very funny. (The Mrs. W's)
Some parts were sweet. (Calvin giving Meg a quick kiss.)
No parts were sad.
Yet there I sat with tears dripping like a leaky saltwater faucet. All evidence of make-up slipped off my face as mascara and foundation ran down my considerable cheeks and onto my track suit.

Something about the theme of "darkness drawing you in and love lifting you out" got to me.
Right here. It got me. right. here.
(What's the date? The 22nd? Nope. It's not PMS. I must be all sappy for a different reason.)
Maybe it's residual emotion left over from a conversation I had with one of my boys this week. He's going through a rough patch and in his usual direct, non-sugar coated, completely unsappy, matter-of-fact way, he said, "I've learnt about love from you. You are the example I look to when it comes to stuff like that. Thanks mom."
I didn't cry when he said it cuz that would've ruined it. It wasn't a gushy moment. It was a serious conversation moment. Nothing kills that type of atmosphere like sobbing and blubbering.
I guess I stored it up and waited for the perfect private time to let the feelings flow. Like in a darkened gym surrounded by hundreds of strangers.

"Hey Mrs. O...touching story, eh?" One my Europe-trip-Funday-girls snuck up beside me after the final curtain call.
"Mom." Max looked horrified. "You didn't cry did you?"

No, dear son of mine. I merely thought it was an opportune time to wash my face with salt water. I manufacture my own supply so don't worry about me wasting a non-renewable natural resource.

Mandi - you did an AWESOME job managing the stage. Awesome. I am SO very proud of you.
And the music. What can I say about the music? It will haunt me for weeks.
It seemed vaguely familiar. Video-gamish. Zelda-like. Especially that underwater bubble tune. Why did it make me think of Nintendo? And boss levels?
Love you. You did good.

Three things I'm thankful for:
1. The new curling irons that were left by my front door this afternoon. Max wondered why they were there. "I listed all the things I have to fix or replace on my blog last night."
"Whoa, mom. Talk about the power of the press, eh? Any idea what random person would do that?"
"My mom."
2. Spare tires.
3. Visa.


1 comment:

Christine Lindsay said...

I would have cried too.