"Hi. Me again."
"You feeling any better?"
"I was thinking of you tonight when I went to Costco. Last weekend you were talking about needing a pair of jeans?"
"I bought some for you. In your size. They're really nice."
"You didn't have to do tha -"
"I know. I just thought they'd be perfect for you."
How in the world did I end up getting so many incredible friends?
A blessed woman am I.
In my inbox the other day, a week after trying that online IQ test, I received the 13 page comprehensive report. Last week it was available for $12.99 . This week it's free.
"Here are some everyday mental exercises that will be particularly helpful to you:
Playing chess, or video games like Tetris
Studying maps and become the navigator on your next trip
Sculpting or photography
Balancing your checkbook
Figuring out your monthly budget
Predicting what the change will be the next time you buy something
Calculating your waitperson's tip in your head
Doing crossword puzzles
Start reading just for fun
Befriending your dictionary
The next time something breaks, try reading the instruction book first"
And if I do all those things. they predict:
"Great Jobs For You
Because of the way you process information, these are just some of the many careers in which you could excel:
City planner
Chief executive "
I am wondering about the collective IQ of the team that designed the test ...
Three things I'm thankful for:
1. Vanilla scented kleenex tissues
2. Advil, Tylenol, Cold Fx and Vicks
3. Words of affirmation
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