Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Book Club

THIS is the book we're discussing at our lunchtime Book Club. Today, at our first meeting we talked about chapter 4: "Who is Jesus?"

At one point my small group got a little side tracked and moved on to boxing and Muhammed Ali and mormons. But Steve reeled us back in.

Who is Jesus? Who is Jesus to me?

Someone who loved me so much He died for me.

How can I not respond to that kind of love?

Three things I'm thankful for:

1. Another day without rain. Another chance to work in the yard for an hour. But, ewwwh. Gross. Shudder. Shudder again. I was planting some pansies in the garden near the front door when, while mulching with my hands I scooped up a handful of buried cat shit. I knew immediately it wasn't just a clump of dirt because the texture was so .... shitty. And yesterday while puttering in the backyard in flip flops, I skidded across a fresh mound of dog crap. I DO NOT HAVE PETS FOR THIS REASON. Most of my neighbours have pets. Most of my neighbours do not have gardens with dirt. They have plants planted in rock beds. I am this close to ordering a dump-truck load of rocks to fill in my gardens too.

2. My mom. She's putting labels on 1800 envelopes for me. Her crown in heaven is going to be so frigging heavy.

3. I learned one new thing at the Digital Photography class I took tonight. In a class of 8 students I learned that I was the only person who has not bought a new computer in the last 3 years. My 'puter is 6.5 years old. I also learned that lenses come with different apeture settings. The next lens I buy will have a smaller apeture. Because...the smaller the apeture the more light it lets in. Next week we're going to talk about software and stuff. I can hardly wait.


1 comment:

Christine Lindsay said...

Ha, ha, ha, cat shit. Only thing worse than that is dog shit. Trust me, I know. Well, only second hand, David cleans up after the critters. I know, I'm spoiled. Pretty shitty, huh? :)