Friday, July 14, 2006

FrYdaY - time for 4:

Actually, I was getting bored with the site that generated the 4 on Fri. Those where exceptionally lame questions.

Not that these are any better, but at least each week's question cluster has a theme. And a bonus question.
So from now on and forever more until death do us part...
FIVER Friday:

1. Do you know how to swim?
If by swimming you mean getting into a large body of water and moving around violently so as to stay afloat and not gulp down buckets of water - then no. I am not familiar with the process.
2. Have you ever had swimming lessons? Did they help? Did they help what? Help me with my writing skills? Help me learn how to bake roll-kuchen? Help me land a husband? Help me with my self-image? Then no. The swimming lessons that I was forced to endure at summer camp bring back nightmares of memories of near drowning experiences and extreme shivering.
3. When was the last time you went swimming? Swimming, as in trying not to drown? That would be 1971 at Stillwood Camp in their old un-heated pool with a nazi lifeguard that insisted on one hour of treading water in the deep end. I have never been the same since. Nor did I return to camp. Interesting the way the place that traumatized my childhood is the exact same place that transformed my son from an ogre to a sensitive, caring human being. Gotta love irony.
4. Can you open your eyes under water? Do you plug your nose before going under? Do you even go under? I keep my eyes open and do not plug my nose when I go under the shower nozzle. Three years ago at Creation when my entire being was on the verge of heat combustion I went to the river and dunked under. I closed my eyes. And plugged my nose. And then I shampooed my hair and washed my armpits to the embarrassment of the men in the group and the shocked horror of my sons.
5. Your preference: salt water, fresh water, or pool water? Pool water in a tropical location with an icy beverage and a good book. I like the water for atmopshere, not refreshment. I don't look good wet.

And so ends the first edition of Fiver Fri. Fun, eh? Fellow bloggers, feel free to copy and paste. Not my answers. But the questions. Really dying to know your thoughts on swimming.
Maybe next week the querries will dig deeper. Or not.

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