Saturday, August 26, 2006

Apparently he was prepared for a night on the mountain. I was the only one who didn't know the plan...

Yes, that's my boy. Right on the edge. Exactly where he's most comfortable.

Anticpating that he would take excellent photos of his adventure, I encouraged him to take my camera. The images he brought back are stunning. And the camera looks like its been on an overnighter. Sticky and dusty...sort of like his keyboard. I'm blogging from his 'puter because my laptop has once again disconnected itself from any internet access. The internet connection program and all accompanying icons have been vaporized off the planet. It's the work of a coniving mastermind, determined to prevent me from sharing my inner most thoughts and personal images with the rest of the world. His evil plot will be thwarted as I cry out to my brother-in-law to please fix it. He will come swooping over to my house in tights and a cape to save the world from listening to me whine. When he has time. It probably won't be today.

So, I'll camp here at Clint's computer for the duration.







Blogger has decided two photos are my limit today.

Three things I'm thankful for:

1. Not technology, I can tell you that for sure. Another frustrating day for this blogger.

2. The 8 boys sleeping in my family room. My house will never, ever be clean. And no one cares. THAT'S what I'm thankful for.

3. Mandi and I didn't get mugged in Stanley Park last night. HOLY COW was it ever unnerving walking in the dark to my truck. For me. Apparently not for her. I'm old and aware. She's young and invincable.


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