Monday, September 18, 2006

At Jim and Jac's -

To celebrate Jake's 11th birthday, and

Sarah's 21st.

Dad, put your hands behind your head...


Three things I'm thankful for:

1. Last night's Christmas Card Class. Love hanging with friends...

2. The sound of the rain. Once I finished driving around tonight, I just sat in my truck in the driveway and listened to it pound of the roof of my Durango. Music. Considered putting the back seat down, grabbing my picnic blanket and sleeping out there tonight. But then I remembered that I like blogging too.

3. Last disc of Lost, season 2 is done. We watched it this afternoon, all 4 of us, after school. No one moved off the couches til it was done. Maybe now we can get back to the business of having lives. Although, I still haven't seen the first half of the season and it's driving the orderly part of me NUTS.

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