Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Marriage Uncensored

John & Val and I were part of the studio audience tonight at the taping of two upcoming episodes of Marriage Uncensored.
Twas good. The first show was called: Held Hostage By Conflict: Negotiation Techniques for Saving Your Family. Their guest was an FBI negotiator. Very cool.

The second episode was: The Ultimate Parental Payoff: Your Kids as Friends.
It too was worth the effort of getting there.

But the best part was that John and Val won a prize: a weekend Marriage Enrichment retreat worth $200. And they didn't have to disclose their expiration dates...
It was a real prize, with no strings attached. Their marriage is going to be sooooooooooooo good.

Three things I'm thankful for:
1. Despite doing a bunch of things wrong as a parent, thanks to God, they are turning out OK. I can't imagine trying to raise kids without divine help. Hearing Clint and Max drive off this morning to pray at the high school's flag pole made my heart sing. I am so proud of them. I don't think I would have had the courage to do that.
2. My mom. She's helping me with carpooling this week AND helping me prepare for our Executive Leadership Conference this Friday. I still have a few tickets left... anybody want to come?
3. The weather forecast is for more of this amazing summer-like weather through the weekend. Which is a very good thing, seeing we're hosting a youth retreat at the cabin on Saturday.


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