Thursday, October 19, 2006

The dryer stopped working tonight.

And my truck is overdue for a tune up.
Plus, I've noticed that a number of homes in my neighbourhood have had some roofing work done. Three years ago when I bought this baby, the home inspector warned me that I'd need to invest some $ in my roof in 5 years. "Keep an eye on your neighbours' places. When you see that they're replacing their shakes, you'll need to do yours as well."


I think I'm going to need a second job.
Lucky for me there's a shortage of workers for part time positions these days. EVERYONE is hiring; Safeway, Office Depot, London Drugs, KFC, White Spot, Panago Pizza... my options are endless. It'll boil down to applying for the position with the least sucky uniform.

Or maybe I should charge Clint room and board?
Or, like a friend, bring in one or two international students? Convert that garage into bedroom space.

To top it all off - I still can't post pics to this bloody blog - EVEN though I used the most fail-proof of all uploaders: Picasa 2.
(Andie, I was so excited to receive your e-mail. As soon as I put Drew to bed, {9:30 pm ! An early-to-bed record for us} I installed Picasa 2 and posted dozens of photos to my blog using their uploading tool. One after another, they just kept getting posted. I was giddy with joy. After 15 minutes of single photo posting, as well as a few collages, (oh, but they were lovely) I opened my blog to behold the beauty within.
Tues Muse stared me in the face as if to say, "Huh? You thought you'd solved your little posting problem that quickly? Come on. You know better than that. There is never a quick, free fix for any of your issues. This'll likely cost ya. Sure, there isn't another blogger alive who is having trouble uploading. You are special. So very unique. No one can help you. Because no one else has this problem. You are alone."
(Don't your old blog posts speak to you?)

All that, and Drew is still awake. THREE hours later.

Three things I'm thankful for:
1. Max did a back flip tonight. (On the trampoline at Flip City. If you know my boy, this is huge.)
2. I'm going to the Parachute Band concert on Friday night. Donna, (see yesterday's comments) whoever you are, maybe I'll bump into you there.
3. Drew's volleyball team won one of their games this afternoon. Team morale was slithering on the gym floor prior to this...


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