Monday, October 30, 2006


It's going to be a perfect night. Clear skies. Bone-chilling temperatures. NO threat of rain.
Really, really wish I could throw a party at the farm like in the olden days.

With the ban on fireworks in every community in our area dampening our fun, and with Halloween landing on a Tuesday night (with no Pro D the following day) and with Clint and Max at Youth as per usual on Tuesday night...

it makes for a boring night for my youngest.

Somehow, between now and tomorrow afternoon, I've got to get in the mood.
Buy a pumpkin or two.
Carve them.
Pull out my 'ween decorations and make the front porch area look inviting.
Buy candy. Again. There is none left. Again.

It feels weird not celebrating with a couple dozen friends.

The good ol days are done.

Maybe it's time to establish some new traditions...

Three things I'm thankful for:
1. I'm getting together with my dorm mates from Bible School this weekend. No plans other than to chill out at Cultus and talk.
2. My dad has an extra truck that I can use while mine is in the shop getting repaired.
3. My mom applied mailing labels to 2000 envelopes for me this weekend.
I. Am. Spoiled.



Anonymous said...

Thanks for the memories Jane & Billie. What wonderful memories are stored in my heart. It's alway's sad to say good-bye to how things used to be. Your fiends always, Rudy & Marg

Christine Lindsay said...

Lucky gal.