Sunday, December 17, 2006

Girl's Night Out

OK. Who's sexier? Jude Law or Jack Black?
Jack Black. Hands down. Four out of five of us agreed.
Who's a better actress? Cameron Diaz or Kate Winslet?
Kate Winslet. No contest.
If you want to see a totally predictable, mindlessly romantic comedy about love on two continents, this is a must see.
I'm very inspired to once again dream about the possibilty of house swapping. And I love the idea of being open to a spontaneous adventure regardless of your circumstances or the state of your heart. The key though, is having a flat stomach.
Three things I'm thankful for:
1. Friends who needed a girl's night out. Thanks, guys, it was fun. And Rose - welcome to my blog.
2. Daydreams.
3. Hospitals that book tests for Sunday afternoons.

1 comment:

Christine Lindsay said...

Oh I gotta see this. I love Jack black, he's so cute and pudgy with a heart.