Tuesday, December 12, 2006

"What's your favorite Christmas tradition?" I asked Drew.

"Just wondering. What is it?"
"Why do you need to know?"
"I don't need to know. I just was wondering."
"Is this something for your blog?"
"No. I was just wondering."
"Did you ask my brothers? What did they say?"
"I haven't asked them yet, but I probably will."
"Why are you asking us all these questions?"
"It's not alot of questions, just one. What is your favorite Christmas tradition?"
"Is this for work? Are you doing something for work?"
"No. I was just wondering..."
"But why? Why are you asking? Did someone tell you to?"

Twenty minutes pass and I have no idea what his favorite part of Christmas is.
This, my friends, is a typical conversation with an Oh Boy.
Which explains why I blog.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you do blog!!
I can sooo relate to the inarticulateness of my own children at times. Makes me crazy!

I enjoyed your list of things you are meaning to do. I too would love to go to Edmonton to see David Crowder. We simply must meet! I could be "the new friend" you make?????
Donna O