Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Today's Words of Wisdom from Life's Little Instruction Calendar:

When you look back over your life, none of the things you treasure most will have been purchased with money.


For the first time this year, Drew was excited to do his homework. He and three friends were each to choose a poem to share with the class and then explain why they liked it. Rather than do it live, Drew's crew decided to video tape themselves instead. Drew has experience (and a very real interest) in video editing and was looking forward to putting together a DVD complete with bloopers and outtakes.

His three friends came over to the house where they played the Wii, ate 20 warm, gooey chocolate chip cookies, did gravity defying tricks on the tramp, left juice box straw wrappers on the kitchen countertops, crunched up a bag of potato chips then sprinkled them all over the carpet, and taped their favorite poems.

Drew, using the simple video editing software that came with my laptop, worked on his project for hours over the weekend. On Monday night, Clint transferred the file to his computer where he formatted it for burning using his fancy schmancy professional software. He doubled checked the final product to make sure it played on both our DVD player and one of our computers.

I dropped off a happy Drew at school on Tuesday morning.
I picked up a pissed off one 5 hours later.

"It didn't work."
"The DVD?"
"Yeah. The DVD. Nothing happened."
"That sucks."
"She said that because we weren't prepared today, she is going to dock marks because its late. And we're supposed to do it in front of the class tomorrow in person. But Austin and Brendan aren't even going to be here tomorrow because they're playing in a hockey torunament. I hate her..."
He ranted the entire drive home.
His boxers were bunched and he did not want me unruffling them.
He was not a pleasant person to be with.

Clint dismantled our home entertainment system this morning and drove Drew and our DVD player to school. He hooked our unit up to the school's TV then mosied off to work. I sent a note then could do nothing but pray that his teacher would be reasonable.

The happy ending to this story is that he was allowed to try again today, and while the blooper part had a skip in it, the rest of it (the actual homework part) went well.

Not content to have unbunched boxers, he got all hot and feisty about volleyball again tonight. Complaining, whining, arguing, and generally being an ass. The only way I could get him to go was to threaten. "Don't even ask to go on MSN ever again. As long as you live. And you will not be able to go with Clint to Flip City this century. And that girlfriend you want? Not going to happen this millenium."
I dropped off an angry Drew.
90 minutes later I picked up a smiling, hot, sweaty, thirsty athlete. "It was OK I guess."

I need a mood stabilizing drug. Or earplugs. If he wants to swing from one emotional extreme to another that's his business, but wholey hannah, every 20 minutes with him triggers something in my brain that causes it to scream, "Quick, open mouth. Insert chocolate."

Three things I'm thankful for:
1. It worked.
2. Clint helped.
3. That really nice house we booked in Arizona? It was sold. And the new owners want to use it during March. That's the second house we've lost. Is God closing the "Road Trip to Arizona" door? Or did He have a better house in mind that He wanted to bless us with? Because you would not buleeeve the castle Maxine arranged for us to rent. So as to not jinx this rental agreement, I will not post photos until we are in them. But let me say this; private backyard waterfall, 18 foot ceilings, 5 bedrooms, wireless internet and about 100 flat screen high def TV's. I'm feeling very spoiled.


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