Sunday, April 22, 2007

Was it a cry for help?

I am loved.
My post from last week stirred some friends to respond with encouragement and advice.

First of all the most beautiful woman on the internet e-mailed me some beauty advice. Advice involving make-up, moisturizers and masks. I was completely blown away by her generosity ... and after this week is over - I will do something about my face.

Then, another blogger, sent me a link to her lose-weight-through-exersizing-PRIVATE-blog as an encouragement. And, encouraged I am. Next week, after I finish living through this one, I will establish a routine as well. Mine won't involve getting up at for a 6am boot camp work out, or allowing a body-builder to measure and touch me, but I will go to Curves.

And tonight. Another blog reader and friend invited me out for dinner. After reading that posting last week, she got to work. She loves projects, and she sees this whole "I am ugly" thing as cry for help. From my fingertips to her eyes.
She presented me with a binder, complete with 30 downloaded pages (in page protectors) and a shopping bag full of supplements. She established an eating plan for me that runs til Aug 24 (when I leave for Mexico). "The first 45 days will be the hardest; no sugar or flour. Then after that you can have 1 treat (sugar or flour) a week."

Next week...
May 1.
I'll get right on this after I live through this week.

Three things I'm thankful for:
1. Friendship
2. Compassion
3. Communication


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