Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Finished. Book # "I forget + 3" ...

Gayle, pictured above, is my relative. Even though she's my age, she is first cousins with my mom. I think she rocks.
Three things I'm thankful for:
1. I went for a walk/jog this evening. JOG! First time in 11 months. I was motivated because chocolate is tasting good again.
2. After I drove Drew to school, then Max to school an hour later, then drove Clint out to the automotive place to pick up his battered truck (where it was estimated that $8000 damage was inflicted when he slid into the ditch), but before I picked the boys up from school, and before I drove out to Abbotsford to drop of the things Clint needed but forgot to take to work, I stopped in to see my dad and mom. The nurse didn't show up today because she was sick, so I took dad for a drive in his truck and we ended up at Guildford ... "So, dad," I asked, "What do you want for Christmas this year?"
"Just three good kids" he said automatically like he did 30 years ago.
I'm thankful that mom is getting stronger and dad has stablized.
3. I am thankful that the rain has stopped dripping, the snow has stopped falling and the wind has stopped blowing.

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