On Friday night four of us met in Fort Langley at the Lamplighter to celebrate Denise's birthday. Did you know that they serve "Ostrich Tenders?" And did you know that Ostrich is more like beef than chicken? And that it's considered 'red meat', not poultry? I didn't either. I had the salmon.

We managed to stretch our dining experience out for over 3 hours but still had lots to talk about so we ended up at Sandra's where we discussed our children, Christianity, cameras and the appropriateness of bikini's on women over 50 in mixed company.

This evening Janice and I (and, coincidently about two dozen 'kids' I know between 18 and 24 years of age) attended the final showing of "Mythification" at TWU. There sure are alot talented folks in that theatre program ... wow. And I loved watching this chicky-poo ... Karyn - you were awesome.
Her husband, the farmer-wannabe, was away for the weekend with their oldest daughter, the hockey player. One of the 6 month old calves he bought for $10 ("Buttercup" - I think) had fallen over in the mud this afternoon and got stuck, so Janice and her neighbour pulled it out, put it in a wheelbarrow and brought it into the barn. When she checked on it a few hours later, it had left this earth for the greener pastures in the sky.
We talked about writing books and articles, we talked about jobs and children, we talked about husbands and money - and at 11 o'clock they asked us to leave.
As we passed through the Safeway parking lot, I pointed out a homeless man on the curb with his safeway buggy packed with all his belongings. Janice stopped her truck.
"What should we do?" she asked.
I shrugged.
"These oranges. I could give him some oranges." We had a box of mini-Christmas oranges between us and were eating them like candy.
"I'm going to give him a few oranges." She puts her truck in reverse, backs up a few feet and opens her window.
"Excuse me? Hi. Do you need something to eat? Would you like some oranges? Here have the rest of my box. There you go. Are you OK? Do you have a place to stay?"
He was going to spend the night in the doorway of the church so that he could stay out of the rain.
"Where are you from? Where did you live before this?"
He lived in Surrey but his landlord kicked him out. He wasn't able to find another place to live because he had a dog and he needed a room that allowed pets.
"Are you working? Can you work?" Janice asked.
"No. It's the depression. I can't work."
Janice gave him the name of a place in Aldergrove that helps people get re-trained so that they can be self-sufficient.
"I'm sorry you're going through such a rough time," she continued. "But I want you to know that Jesus loves you and He's sad when you're sad..."
As we drove up the hill to Murrayville I said, "I have never been a part of anything like that before. Holy cow, woman - you were awesome."
"I've never done anything like that before either. Tonight was my first time. But what you just heard? That was my mom talking. She used to do this all the time. I just repeated all the things I've heard her say."
To all the moms out there. Us kids? Listen to everything you say. And it might take us 21 or 38 or 47 years to recognize the impact of your life on ours - but eventually we will.
To all the moms out there. We have kids watching us. All the time. So make sure they are seeing something that 28 years from now, when their friends will blog about our influence, it will be about something we did for Him, not something selfish or embarassing.
What a rich weekend.
Three things I'm thankful for:
1. Inspiration
2. Affirmation
3. Anticipation
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