Friday, January 2, 2009

Finished another one.

I haven't read his books before, but I've enjoyed the movies that were made from his books. (About A Boy with Hugh Grant or High Infidelity with John Cusak etc)
So the whole time I reading this one, I'm trying to imagine it as a movie.
And wondering who'll play the lead role?
I don't know any young actors, so I couldn't even put a face to this main character.

I told Clint that this book felt like "The Outsiders" in that the voice of the protagonist is a 15 year old boy and he is sharing all his thoughts regarding a very mixed up year of his life.

Nick Hornby's style reminds me of Douglas Coupland's style and that might be because they are both writing for a target audience that is less female than me. And not as wrinkled.

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