I tried to photograph it. But, with the sun refusing to light the branches up for me, the photos look kinda flat:

Actually, these crystalized twigs remind me of these lollipops.
I'm trying to find beauty in our winters.
Frosty branches vs sunny beaches....
Yeah, these are nice. But. They don't cast a warm glow on your face as you sit in a lawn chair reading smutty novels and drinking lime smoothies.
I only had two spare minutes to take pics in my yard today and then I spent the better part of the day on the road. Driving. 
I took Drew and Mark up to Cypress:

They met on MSN instant messenger and are now facebook friends. Turns out he lives just down the road from us.

FIVE hours of driving.
The morning with Max. And the evening with Drew.
So it was all good.

I took Drew and Mark up to Cypress:

They met on MSN instant messenger and are now facebook friends. Turns out he lives just down the road from us.
Win, win, win.
yeah uhh id like to say its not like we randomly met like a chatroom.. it was more like we both have the same friends..geeze
Hey thanks for allowing me a peek into the day of snowboarding!
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