Sunday, February 15, 2009

Here's Looking At You Kid

Valentine's Day.
I vaguely heard Clint leave at 8:00 this morning.
Then the phone woke me at noon.
I got up, took some more cold medicine, played a few rounds of Scrabble, then dropped onto the couch.
Drew woke me at 6:00 pm to drive him to Walnut Grove.

I was tempted to get horizontal again, but remembered I'd made plans to get together with another manless friend for tea.

When I called her, she invited me to join her and her daughters and their friends over to watch:
...which I'd never seen before.

I got home after 11, ordered then picked up $45 worth of pizza, and by midmight, for the first time in days, all three of my boys were in the same room as me. And they each were wearing one of the new shirts I got them for Valentine's Day 2009. Within 10 minutes they each retreated to their own rooms, plugged in their laptops and that was that.

Three things I'm thankful for:
1. I am well rested.
2. Loved spending time with Faye and her girls.
3. I had no expectations for this day. And it was lovely. In a kind of drugged out, floaty sort of way...:)


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