Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Funny thing about Lent ...

All winter, playing Scrabble on Facebook was the highlight of my day.
Don't bother commenting on that, I know I'm a loser.

So when I decided to give up something for Lent, I sacrificed my favoritest thing in the whole entire world.

And then when Lent was over?
I found out I was cured. Scrabble wasn't as important to me anymore.
Which is a little sad if you think about it.

Anyway, I fought the urge to walk away from Facebook, and I forced myself to start up 7 games this evening. I'm beginning to feel like my old self again. So is that a good thing? Or a step backwards in my personal growth?


I got this awesome email this afternoon:
"I really believe God is working even if we don't always see it. SO I hope you have a great week. Sometimes when you're too exhausted to even pray or hope, you can rely on a friend to do it for you, so I'll pray this week. "

I opened that at work and immediately burst into tears.
Good thing I was alone in the office all day. I was the boss. The boss of me.
So I went around barefoot, with my music turned up loud. And I ate popcorn for lunch.
And then when I felt like crying, I did.


Clint just got home from Vegas. He left yesterday afternoon, went to the NAB show, and got back 'round midnight. See his new blog for a review of his trip.

He's 22 years old today.
His dad and I got married when we were 22.
That freaks me out a little.


Three things I'm thankful for:
1. Friends who pray.
2. Kids who turn out OK.
3. Mom's who take care of dad's.


1 comment:

Trev said...

No Jane, you weren't the "boss", you were the BAWSE!