So, on Thursday, Shannon and I spend many hours together at the office. First we cut the sail into managable pieces.

She got a blister almost immediately.
I didn't.
She has hands soft as silk. I have hands as soft as new unwashed denim.
Whilst we were doing all this manual labor, we watched this:

( I saw Sisterhood Pants 2 last summer, but had never seen the prequel.)
I was crying by lunchtime. Like, when Carmen was talking on the phone to her dad about how angry she was when he left. And how she felt about him getting remarried. And then Tibby with her 12 year old neighbour...
These are a few of the left-over seams: (Anybody want them?)

After lunch, ol' Soft-Hands measured out 3" x 3" squares on the sail.
I cut them. Ask me how sore my right wrist is today.

And we watched/listened this while we worked:

Counting how many we'd done: (we still had a ways to go)

After we had 700 pieces cut, the FUN part began... snacks and stamping.


And the best part?
It was Thursday! And The Office was on! And Jim and Pam looked so cute. And it was fun watching them all dance.
Why can't everyday be Thursday?
You know there are electric scissors out there?
Electric scissors? Get out.
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