Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I got 53%

on this quiz.
Wha'd you get?


Anonymous said...

27%. Yeah, I'll bet you feel way better now! :-) - S.

ramblin'andie said...

Errr...I don't like this one as much. I didn't know ANY of the first six or so. So I quit. I know. I only like 'em when they make me look smart....

valerie said...

53%. Noch nicht so gut.

Jane said...

I only knew one of them for sure. The others I guess based on clues I gathered from the plate itself.

Sleuthy I am.

Tricia said...

Now that each state has about 20 different styles of plates, Its harder to play this game.

Anonymous said...

I got 60%. Uh, this is total luck and I wish I had bought a lottery ticket today instead of wasting my good fortune on a license plate quiz.

Anonymous said...

I got 40%