Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Oh Craig.

I read your entire book hearing your delightful  Scottish accent in my brain.
It was like you were snuggling in bed beside me.

No it wasn't.
Sometimes I read on the couch.

I am thankful you got help for alcoholism. Thanks for sharing your story - you rock, man.
My fav part? When your friend, Jimmy, drives you to rehab, at your request. You were freaked.

"I wanted to run, just take off across the green fields and never stop."
Jimmy saw the terror on my face.
"Don't worry, buddy," he said. "The war's over."
I nodded.
"And you lost," he added reassuringly.

He smiled and got back in his car and drove off, waving through the sunroof.

I'm glad you had a friend like Jimmy.

I think more of us should be like Jimmy.

Three Things I'm Thankful For:

1. I'm not the only one struggling with this new data base system.
2. My truck's maintenance bill didn't top $1000
3. It didn't rain today.


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