Wednesday, October 12, 2011

It's Over. Summer, that is.

Autumn is here.
The winds have blown it in.

Can you feel it too?

Holey Schmoley.
I miss summer.
Not only the summer weather, but also the summer mentality.
Everything feels more intense in the fall. Like, uh, stuff has to GET DONE NOW.
Hurry. No, really, Hurry! It was due yesterday.
And everything is a priority that absolutely needs attention.


ANYway - I'm still thankful:

1. For this girl and her sisters:

What a fun photo shoot. The rest of the pics are here.

2. Have you noticed that interested people are interesting? I love having a life filled with interesting people.

3. I am thankful for pastors who Preach it.  Listen to Jeff here.


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