Tuesday, March 27, 2012

March 27 ...

Yay, Yay, Yay
Max is ONE YEAR CLEAN today!

I am thankful:
1. That Max asked for help last Spring Break.
2. That he did the hard work and didn't give up.
3. That The Last Door provided him with the tools he needs to live in recovery.
4. For the N.A. community in New Westminster.
5. For his friends. Sponsor. Counselor. Recovery happens in community.
6. For the way my world expanded this past year.
7. That God has not stopped loving my boy. His fingerprints are all over Max's recovery.
8. That the boy who was disappearing is back.
9. That Max is my son.
10. That those days of waking up in the morning and instantly being afraid for Max are OVER.

To God be the Glory. Great things He has done.


If you, or someone you love is suffering from addiction, there is help:

What is NA?
How does it work?
Just for today.


My Thots said...

Yay for Max!! and yay for your whole family. After all addiction affects everyone.
Still praying as God brings y'all to mind!

Kim N. said...

An auspicious milestone! A good reminder that just because someone has hit a rough patch that need not be the end of the story. Congratulations and well done! (Yay God!)

Anonymous said...

yay yay yay! I was SO happy to hear this news! Give him a congrats for me!
love sam