Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Girl Babies

It was like, a hundred degrees today, (I know! How do I love thee, September. LET ME COUNT THE WAYS) so I accepted the invitation of a friend to join her for a walk along the beach this morning. Uh. Yeah. That walk? Lasted all day.

These things happen. *Shrugs shoulders.

And then this evening?

We celebrated new babies. Two of them. Cousins had pink-dressed babies:

Michelle had KIMBERLY:

And Vanessa had PAISLEY:

So tiny, cute, precious, sweet, PINK. 

Three FIVE things I'm thankful for:

1. Young woman who love their babies.
2. Young men and women who get married.
3. Young families.
4. Extended families who come together to support each other.
5. Friends who like walking. And talking. 


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