Friday, May 24, 2013

Use Worship as a Weapon

... to fight off temptation, despair, negative feelings ...

Spent the evening at 10th Ave Alliance tonight, worshipping with Tim Hughes and Brent Cantelon. Who are they? Worship leaders from England. (I tell ya, this thing with me and English/Irish accents is not letting up this year.) They are responsible for great worship songs like, Here I am to Worship, Oh Happy Day, Beautiful One, Be My Everything and so on.

SO good.

Sandra and I were amongst the oldest in the building. Again.
Why is that?
Is loud band-type worshipping mostly for young people? I didn't get the memo.


Three things I'm thankful for:

1. My job. This morning our President was leading devotions and as he closed in prayer, he spontaneously started singing Great is Thy Faithfulness. Everyone joined in and it was beautiful. No, seriously. We have some talented singers in the building. I just listened. (I love it when folks sing in harmony.)

2. My job. Our out-bound calling campaign started today... all our constituents will be receiving a phone call. As part of the call, they are asked if we can pray for them. I'm sure everyone said yes, because WOW. Sure were a lot of prayer requests this morning. I usually pray for one or two people. This morning? Ten. Ten families who asked for prayer for their unsaved children. Their aging parents. Their marriages.

What a privilege.

3. I'm not really thankful for this, but I know I should be. SO many showings of my home. The offer that I countered was countered again. Which I guess is good, but it's mostly annoying. THIS IS MY PRICE. Quit dickering around.


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