Thursday, October 31, 2013

Driving West into the Sunset

I was a slug on Sunday.
Stayed in bed til noon, then lounged around all afternoon keeping an eye on the way the wind was stripping the trees naked.
(On Saturday I took photos of fully-dressed, leaf-loaded trees. By Sunday evening they were nude.)
Oh that wind.
So cheeky.

Cheeky and brisk.
LOVE walking about getting wind-blown.

Hey, God?

You are spoiling us.
(Us that live here on the west coast.)

You've created a stunningly beautiful earth.
Everything that is in it, is Just Awesome.

It gets to me sometimes.
Sometimes it just takes my breath away.
Like, for reals.

Thank you.

And God? Thank you for the way You've been answering prayers lately.
I usually prefer the 'yes' answers, but I'm becoming more OK about the 'no's' as well. Thank you for all the behind the scenes stuff You're doing. And WHOA, thanks for giving me a glimpse into the way You're working out things for Your good. Gives me shivers when I see something happening and I know it's Your hand that is at work.

God? Please don't get weary. Keep woo-ing the people I'm praying for. Keep loving them. Keep overwhelming them with your grace and mercy. Keep revealing Yourself. Keep dazzling them in personal ways. Keep knocking on their heart's door. Keep guiding them. Keep bringing Your messengers of good news into their lives. Keep using their circumstances to draw them close to you.

Keep using all of creation to demonstrate who You are. Open their eyes so they can see. Enable their hearts to respond.

Keep standing in front of them and saying to satan - Not this one. He is mine. I am calling shoddy on this one. You cannot have him.

Thank you.

God I pray Your hand of protection on those that I love. You know who they are.

Thank you for my kids.
Their friends.
My friends.
Their kids.

Thank you for my dad and mom.
Thank you for their friends.

Thank you for being creative.
Thank you for the creative people in my life.

Thank you for people who write books and screenplays.
And for people who make movies and TV shows.
And for people who make music.
And for people who create works of art.

How should I pray for these folks?
(Mostly I want them all to know You.)
I guess I pray Your will be done.

Your will be done.

Thank you.

Thank you, God, for my job.
And the people I work with.
And the things that You are teaching me.

Thank you for the hockey game I was invited to go to on Monday night.
(Thanks that we won.)
And thanks for the inspiring conversations we had.
God, I pray for those suppliers who treated me to dinner and the game.
God, I thank you for the opportunity to get to know them a little better.
And thanks for showing me that even though they don't know You - You can use them to teach me a thing or two.

God, You've given us all gifts and talents.
Please use them for Your glory.
And let us experience great joy in the process of being used by You for Your great purpose.

Thanks for the colors of the evening.

So pretty.

I'm glad You like colors.

Thank you.

Thanks, God, for this drive home.
Thank you that I have a home to go to.

Thanks for my generous parents.
And for the comfortable, beautiful, spacious home I get to live in for this season.

Whoa, God.
Thank you for sunsets.
(And probably sunrises too, though I never appreciate anything before noon,)

Thank you for clouds and clear skies and the color pink.

Thank you for the freedom I have.

WHOA, Seriously, God. What are you up to?

That is one crazy sunset.

No really.

What are you going on about?



OK, Now you're just showing off.
Is this just for me?
Because Oh My Goodness WOW.

Wow oh wow oh wow.

I can't breathe.


Look what You made in the sky.

God, I pray for all these people on the freeway with me. Oh God, I pray that they are all in awe of YOU right now.

For those that don't know You yet, I ask that You use this spectacular sunset to reveal Your power, creativity and great love to them. God, I pray that everyone who sees this sunset tonight will experience a personal 'God moment'.

Thank you.

I love you.


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