Thursday, October 31, 2013

Currently - October 2013 (Updated)

These are the things that I am:

Obsessing over,
Working on,
Thinking about,
Listening to,
Praying for,
Happy about,

1. I am obsessing over:

Thurs nite: Oh. Just decided to go see a movie with Mandi. Will have to do this tomorrow.
Fri nite: Hmmm. Just had dinner with Clint. 

Will do this now. 

2. I am working on:

  • Eating more salads. And I working on ENJOYING THEM. Mostly I haven't been a salad fan. So far my favorite is mango, avocado, romaine lettuce, slivered almonds, chicken and poppy seed dressing. Yum.
  • Getting all my stuff out of storage and into the basement. 
  • Walking a few times a week. Now that the rainy season has hit us, this will be more difficult. 
  • Fighting the November Blues. I will not succumb to them this year. I will not. I will not. I will not.
3. I am thinking about:
  • Winter footwear, and how I really should get some.
  • A winter vacation and how I'll really need one.
  • Fun things to do in November and December so I don't go crazy.
  • Hormones. 
  • People Magazines and how I haven't bought one since last December. 
4. I am anticipating:
  • A ridiculously stressful 6 weeks at work. 
  • that Christmas is going to feel weird.
  • that my love for All Things English isn't going to end any time soon.
  • that God has surprises in store for me.
5. I am listening to:
  • nothing. This house is silent. If I had my headphones handy I'd listen to some music, but I think they are downstairs and it's just not worth the effort. (I miss playing music loud at midnight. I miss having my computer and speakers set up. I miss ... oh never mind.)
  • I am also listening to the voice in my head. Pretty sure it's my own voice. It talks me into and out of things in seconds. It's exhausting. 
  • Also today? I listened to all three boys. A 2 minute phone call from Max. A 4 minute visit with Drew. And an hour-long dinner with Clint. And that'll be it for another week or two. ( I miss the days when we all lived together.) (Oh crap. Think happy thoughts, Jane. Happy.)
6. I am eating:
  • Just had a roll of Rockets. 
  • And nothing else since supper at the Olive Garden. 
  • Go me. 
7. I am praying for:
  • October was Clergy Appreciation Month - so I've been praying for Northview's pastors, Westside's pastors and The Village's pastors. 
  • I've been praying for a specific group of actors, writers, directors, musicians. (I have a friend who is praying for certain politicians. She inspired me to pray for the folks who entertain me.)
  • Folks I know who are struggling with alcoholism and drug addiction.
  • And the usual - my kids, their friends, my friends, their kids, my extended family and so on...
8. I am reading:
  • Voyager - Book 3 in the Outlander Series
  • Crow Lake - our next book club book
  • Jesus on Every Page - book for the Wed night Theology Class that I'm going to
9. I am happy about:
  • the way Friday Night Lights is turning out to be a great series to watch
  • the way I feel when I crest the hill and drive into this neighbourhood. SO lucky to live here.
  • the fact that all the spiders are gone. At least the basement dwelling ones have gone.
  • the fact that my mom loves decorating for Christmas. So, this house is ready. And I didn't have to do a thing. 
10. I am remembering:
  • Well since Halloween was just yesterday, I am remembering Halloween's of old. And how important they were to our family. And how much fun we had at the farm on Oct 31's. Maybe I need to buy a farm?
  • Seeing it's November, I'm remembering last November and how it was The Month I Cried. That will not happen this year. It. Will Not.
11. I am wishing:
  • that I had more confidence in my ability to support myself.
  • that I had more willpower/self-discipline in most areas of my life.
  • that I will completely live through this season of my life and not wish I was in the next one. 
  • for a few more answered prayers.
  • that I liked celery.
  • that a house swap opportunity would present itself again. (Oh wait. I don't have a house to swap. Crap.)

Three things I'm thankful for:

1. Chance to connect for a few minutes with each of my kids today. That always makes it a good day.
2. Opportunity to see Ender's Game with Mandi last night. Big sigh. Books are always better than movies, aren't they. Still, it was OK. 
3. The ability to work from home this morning. Somehow my fingers type faster when I'm wearing slippers and have my hair in a pony tail.


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