Sunday, April 6, 2014

Canandian Saturday Nights

It's all about hockey on Saturday nights in the Great White North.

I'm a fan.
Of the Canuck's.

I confess that I don't watch them on TV, as life is too short. 
But I love watching them live.

Tonight I attended my last game of this season.
Some of my fav peeps joined me.

Instagram pics are small, yo.

My favorite parts of attending a game?
The opening video montage that plays just before the players come onto the ice.
And the singing of the National Anthem.

And I also like it when we score goals.

We won tonight.
(Which isn't a prerequisite to it being a great night.)
But the conversation of the drive back to the valley is a lot more positive if it's a winning game.

And those smiles are brighter when someone buys himself something.
(New jersey.)
(Well, 'old' jersey, but new to him...)

Three things I'm thankful for:

1. It rained today, but it didn't matter. I'm thankful that it didn't matter.
2. Dinner last night at The Cabin in Crescent Beach with a table full of friends. Again we were the last to leave the restaurant, just as it was closing. Again we talked about a gazillion things. Again, the food was delicious and the dessert was amazing. I love evenings like this. I love friends like that. And I love that they all are gifts from God.
3. That I'm a mom.


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