Friday, July 25, 2014

It's 2 am.

Know what I'm doing?

Eating the last of the chocolate chip cookie dough that my sister handed me after she cut my hair yesterday. Oh yes I am.
And oh yes, I do have the best sister ever.

(Feels like sib-week. Saw my brother again (twice in the same month. WHOA) when he came to check on our flooded media room and non-working laundry-room tap.

He fixed it like a boss then gave me a ride to the freeway so I could walk back home. This is what brothers do.)

Getting back to tonight.
Know what else I'm doing?

I'm chatting with Jenn about Book 3 in the Outlander series.

It's our new thing. We check in at midnight most nights via Facebook PM. (Private Message) and talk about the story line. And Diana's amazing writing skills. And the upcoming mini series. (That starts in two weeks.)

And how Comic Con would have been The Event of a Lifetime to attend this year.

My twitter feed and facebook timeline are both bursting with Outlander/Jamie news.

Three things I'm thankful for:

1. An upcoming mini-reunion with a friend from forever-ago in October. I can hardly wait.

2. A mini-retreat with my writing group this weekend. (Pffft. We're just going to talk about Outlander, I think.)

3. A wedding this weekend. People still fall in love. I'm thankful for that.


1 comment:

Unknown said...


I love Jamie.

That is all.
