Monday, September 15, 2014

Has It Really Been a Week?

Local folks - have you tried out the new eatery in town?


It's in the parking lot next to the Casino in Langley.

And once you're seated, you'll totally forget you're in a parking lot, next to a 4 story parkade. I love the whole 'smoke and mirrors' feel to it. Only they didn't use smoke or mirrors, but plants and trellises. And it works wonderfully.

Of course it helps that we are having a summery September.

It felt like I was on a holiday... food was delish, setting was awesome, and of course, the company was the best. And the conversation? Meandered. Like, everywhere. From children, their marriages, and inevitable grandchildren, (Hahah. I mostly listen during this phase of the talking) to faith, (and how it changes as we age) to travel plans (hers are far more exciting than mine, and NO SURPRISE, hers involve bike riding. Along the coast in Ireland. Sighhhhh).

We had lots of talking to do.
We were the last customers in the place.

I didn't do my laundry that night.


Was our Annual Staff Fun Day.
Timberline Ranch hosted us for the day.

We took a school bus to get there.


Rode a horse.
And shot a bow and arrow AND HIT THE TARGET.

(Not that anyone was keeping score.)

We had to wear helmets. (This is our selfie in the barn's bathroom.) BEST part about my helmet? IT WAS A MEDIUM. I know, right?!

This is not me, but this is the horse I rode. Her name is Hershey. She was awesome. It was like riding on a merry go round. Didn't matter what I did, that horse just followed the lead horse in front of her. So it was a bit relaxing. Except for the 1200 pounds of horseflesh between my legs giving me sore thighs and an aching bum.

To be honest, it a bit like those Disneyland rides. Like, ehm, Autorama. Kids have the steering wheels and guide their cars very carefully along a guided rail track.

Never-the-less, it was fun.
And I rode a horse.

Also, this is not me.
Seriously no way to take a selfie of yourself with both hands handling a bow. And an arrow.

But I looked just as cool at this:

(Her and I are practically twins. We both drive identical vehicles and have blonde hair. Hard to tell us apart sometimes.)

There was a photo booth  petting zoo:

If we're keeping track of 'firsts' ... I had a meatball sandwich for lunch.
Which, for the record?
Was so delicious. I had a second.

Staff Photo:

(Click if you want to see it enlarged.)

And then we took the bus back, stopping at Dairy Queen for Dilly Bars.

And now you all wish you worked with me.
Unless, of course, you're introverted.
Then this whole day would look like a painful, scary, awful experience.

The plan was to see a movie afterwards with a friend, but I got the start times messed up and we arrived too late/too early to see anything.

So we walked under the last Super Moon of the season.
And It Was Glorious.

Early Fall evenings are amazing.
Even if, between the two of you, you have a bad knee, aching thighs and a saddle sore bum.

On Wednesday evening, I took two non-SeaWall walkers into Vancouver to walk one of the sea walls:

Sadly, Wednesday night was also the night that the White Caps were playing soccer at the stadium.
And Katie Perry was concerting at the Arena.
So. Much traffic.
And inflated parking costs.

Regardless, it was still an incredible evening for a walk.
So pretty.
And warm.

And a stunning backdrop for our two hours of 'catching up' ...

We talked about kids, their weddings and grandchildren (again, I mostly listen during this) and faith, and aging and marriages and vacations. (And YES, cycling was covered, AGAIN. Apparently riding bikes into Montana is The Best Experience. Ever.)

So much bike talk lately.

I love visiting Vancouver.
And then going back home.

Thursday evening?
Terrific fun.
What started as a coffee date, ended up being a three hour tour.
We met at Pier One:

Where, surprisingly, we didn't feel the need to reorganize their displays.
We've done this in the past.
It's a throwback to those evenings that we used to work at Billie's together.

Know what?
It's a good thing I don't own a house right now.
Because I'd be decorating with turquoise.
Which might be 'in' today, but it'll definitely be 'out' tomorrow.

From there, we walked across the parking lot to Home Sense:

Where she bought mugs and I bought nothing.
Because I have no home.
I'm OK with that.

Then we traipsed down to Chapters.
Where you'd think we'd be looking at books.
But no.
We were on a home decor tour. Not a book store tour.
THAT is for a later date.
With possibly different participants.

We were looking at doodads when all of a sudden she sighed and seemed very absorbed in the candle she was smelling.

Me: What?
Her: THIS.
Me, leaning in to take a whiff: Hm. That's nice.
Her: This? Is what a sexy man smells like,
Me, leaning in, inhaling: Oh. Is that what they smell like these days?

(In case you're wondering - it's called Crackling Firewood.)

We ended our tour at Starbucks even though neither of us drinks coffee. It's the atmosphere. And tradition. We've been meeting here for about ten years.

We usually get asked to leave.
Because they're trying to close up and we're still talking.

So many words to say.

So many words to hear.

Know what we talked about?
Her vacation to San Diego.
Guess what they did.


They probs did other stuff too.
I only remember the bike riding, because it seems to be a running theme.


Friday was the start of my Bri-ish weekend.

My English friend and I drove into Vancouver (must've been another big event taking place because traffic was nuts) to see this movie:

... which was about two British guys going on a roadtrip in Italy to review six restaurants.
Oh. My. Goodness.

The scenery.

Their banter.
Wickedly funny.

The food.
Mouth watering.

The car and the roads:

I left the theatre with two strong longings:
1. To eat some pasta (linguine, preferably) with a tomato based sauce.
2. Go on a road trip.

And an item to add to my bucket list -
Go to Italy.

Seeing neither of us had eaten, we decided to stay in town and look for a place to have a really late dinner. On Commercial.

We stumbled upon a cute little neighbourhood pub/bistro in a residential area:

Which was quaint and loud and young and hip and it was good.
I had the pasta.
She had some appy's.

And when we got back to my truck:

I called BCAA to help me with my tire.

In case you can't tell from the photo, my tire was flat.

It was a beautiful night to sit and wait for help.
Safe neighourhood.
Big moon.
Full tummy's.
Good company.

And we were home by midnight.

As good as my week had been, I'd been counting down the days til Saturday morning.
Was going to sleep in.
And not talk to anyone til late in the afternoon.

I live for quiet, stay in bed, daydream and don't get dressed Saturday mornings.

Twas not to be....

Drew was knocking on my bedroom window first thing on Saturday morning.
I? Was very much not awake.
And completely disoriented, having someone at my window.

He was over to rummage through my boxes and whatnot to see what he could take.
He and a friend found a basement suite to rent and were moving in over the weekend.

(Sigh. He's growing up, And wanting to be independent. I know this is a good thing.)

So we moved a few boxes and talked about the furniture and decided about the whatnot, then went out for a bite to eat.

I had an hour after that to sit in the sun (mid-Sept and very much still tanning weather: 27 degrees!) before it was time to get ready.

SIR Elton John.

We drove into Vancouver in Heather's sexy car. 

Look how cute and tiny her head looks. 
Aaack. I hate being in foreground of pics.

Anyway, photo aside, the ride in was spectacular. 
I mentioned the 27 degrees, right?

In addition to a sold out Elton show, the Lions were playing next door at the Stadium.
The streets were packed with folks wearing orange.
Vera cheerful. 

There was a live band playing in the plaza and it felt like we stumbled into a grand street party. 
Which? I guess we did.

We sat behind these people, who provided us with many conversation topics. Like, "she is definitely not his wife. This is a date. LOOK HOW ATTENTIVE HE IS BEING." Or "How old is she? That is a sheer top and she doesn't have a bra on. Can you see nipples?"
In case you were wondering, the average age was probably 58. And those folks in front of us. Were the average age.

We did a lot of people watching.
Know what?
Super thin women with stiletto heels, tight pants and sparkly tops...
Looked sexy as.
But I bet they didn't have as much fun dancing AND WALKING as we did. They looked so stiff legged. And moved so carefully. And we? Did not.
Oh so not.

We stood and swayed and sang along. for the entire concert.
I knew at least 80% of the songs.
We had floor seats, ten rows from the stage.

All kinds of awesomeness that night let me tell you or not.


And then came Sunday.

I sat outside for three hours and power read my book club book.
My favorite kind of day.

Drew came by to pick up my old family room couches and my kitchen table set.

My fit brother came by to adjust the basement door. (He's lost over 40 pounds and weighs the same amount that he did when he graduated from high school. He looks great.)

I went to visit my dad,

Were we watched Shawshank Redemption.

On my way home I bought some baking supplies:

And for the first time since I moved in here, I baked.

Cheese biscuits.

And ate them warm, with melting butter and a cuppa tea while watching Outlander at 10 pm, with my mom suckin ice beside me and Jenn cyber chatting with me on Facebook.

Some weekends are just too epic for words.

All golden.

Three things I'm thankful for:

1. Theme weekends.
2. Forgiveness
3. Faith


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I want a biscuit.