My last breakfast in Japan was smoked salmon and brie on a baquette. I had 10. #bestbreakfastever
And then we started our journey; I was heading home, she was off to Vietnam.
We walked over to the Shinosaka train station and caught the train to Osaka where we had reserved seats on the Express to the Tokyo station.
At the Tokyo station we caught a train to the Narita Airport
Sue was protecting herself. From ME. |
where we checked in, went through security, then had a McDonald's lunch together.
And then we separated; she was flying out of Gate 47 at 4:40 pm and I was flying out of Gate 49 at 5:00 pm.
We had only walked through train stations and airports!
And we'd walked over 3 km!
THAT'S how large those train stations are.
While I was waiting for my zone to get called, I rec'd a few texts from Sue:
Her: Good news! I found some socks!
Me: YAY! Happy for you!
A minute later:
Her: And I've found my CC Lemon (her fav drink in Japan)
Me: YAY!
A minute later:
Her: They just called my name and told me economy has sold out. So I've been upgraded to business class!!!!
Me: (Blue thumbs up) You are having a good hour. Go buy a lottery ticket.
Her: I KNOW!!!!
Me: My flight has been delayed.
8 hours later:
Her: You home yet?
Me: Just landed. How was your flight?
Her: Things are much better in business class - the 7 hours passed quickly! Strange waking up without you here.
For the record? My flight? Did not pass quickly.
I checked my phone , wondering about the time, every 15 minutes for 8 hours.
I sneezed at least 100 times. Deep sneezes. The ones that come from the back of your head and the base of your belly. I kept my u-shaped travel pillow firmly planted across my lower face so all breaths. sneezes and coughs went straight into that very large, soft, likely ineffective mouth guard.
Sharing my row were two single men. Both in the early 30's. The window-seat-guy was from the UK, so he had that accent. Sadly, I was in no condition to keep a conversation going with him, other than the original "hi, sure hope no one sits between us' wish. After that? He turned his face away from me and I buried my face in the pillow.
The Very Last Person on the plane was our Middle-Seat-Guy. He was a Japanese tour-guide, and had 40 clients on board all destined for Montreal. So once they landed in Vancouver, they were getting on another flight and heading east. He had a huge binder filled with info on How To Be A Good Guide and well as the info and passports of each of his travelers, and detailed info on Canada. Once he got settled into the middle seat (he was Japanese so he was about the size of a 10 year old), he offered to change seats with me.
I politely declined.
"Nice try, mate" said Window Seat Guy.
In a perfect world, Window Seat Guy would've talked the entire flight. And I would've just listened and smiled. That English accent is just something.
My flight left Japan at 5 pm on Thursday. I arrived in Vancouver at 9:30 am ON THURSDAY.
I got to re-live that day.
My first crack at Thursday had me sitting on a plane sneezing into a pillow that was strangling me.
My second shot at the day? I sat on the deck at my mom's house, in a tank top and pajama shorts, enjoying the 29 degree temperature, sneezing into the air.
And then I was a snotty mess for 17 days.
That Japanese Man Cold was a souvenier that lasted and lasted and lasted.
Thanks, Sue. You're the best travel mate, room mate, train mate.
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