Thursday, February 1, 2018

Another Goodbye

Today was Alex's last day at work.

During our all-office morning gathering, I gave her a gift on behalf of the organization, then said a few words and cried.

The creative team had a good bye lunch for our girl - a Gluten Free French Picnic Lunch. (Because Alex is from France. And she's got food allergies.)

Finishing up her last day.

After work, my previous design team met for dinner to say their goodbyes to Alex


We reminisced, caught up, asked questions, listened for answers, shared some dreams, ate and played Pass-The-Baby:

I drove Inca home to Surrey, then Alex home to Vancouver and on my drive back to Surrey, on a wet, dark, stinkin' rainy night, I realized how very lucky I am.

It is an honour and a joy to work with such great people. So much talent. So much integrity. So very gifted and gracious. So kind to the old lady of the group.

Three things I'm thankful for:

1. Conversations that I am privileged to be a part of. I love a good talk.
2. Toasted Shrimp Sandwiches. I love sourdough bread.
3. Babies. Especially ones with cheeeeeeks.


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