Such a great, rich, full, inspiring week.
On Wednesday after work, I met Donna for dinner. Then drove over to Guildford to pick up a few things. I noticed that there were SIX NEW Pokemon in the parking lot, so I hung around til I caught them all. Then I drove over to The Sheraton, (where Jenn was helping set up for the Surrey International Writer's Conference) to drop off a couple bags of books for her. Someday I'd like to attend the conference again. I used to go before I started working full-time. The good ol' days.
Thursday was Day One of the Global Leadership Summit. (I attended this last year and just could not shut up about it. SO unexpectedly good.) I had been looking forward to this for months, but also a little concerned that it wouldn't be as amazing this year because:
1. Maybe I was remembering wrong?
2. Maybe last year was an unusually good year?
3. There was that whole sex thing with Bill Hybels ...
But I needed've worried. It. Was. Awesome. x 1000
There was so, so, so much to think about. So much to ponder. So much to try to squeeze into both my professional and home life. Just. So. Much.
In the evening I attended the fourth session of the Precepts Bible Study I joined this fall. I might as well be honest. I have a less-than-enthusiastic attitude about those two hours until they're over, and then something happens and I know I am exactly where I should be on Thursday nights. But Fri - Wed? I'm mostly pissy about it.
At 9, I zipped up to the cabin for ten minutes, then got home at 11:30 pm. Some days? Are very long.
Friday morning I was back at CLA for the second session of the GLS. Day Two was even better. I got a cramp in my hand from taking notes so furiously, so I just listened to the last two presenters. Simon Sinek and Craig Groeschel are crazy good communicators.
I'll probably post some of my notes here, in the days to come, when I take a breath and process it all. But can I say this? YOU SHOULD TOTALLY GO NEXT YEAR.
As soon as it was over, I headed into Vancouver to pick up my hard drive from Clint's office.
This is the freeway entrance at 232nd street. I love the investment in the future someone had when they planted these red-leafed trees in the cloverleaf. My grandkids are going to use this freeway entrance and comment on the beauty of the these grand trees in about 30 years.
I had to stop and take another red-leafed tree pic. (The above was a drive-by shooting.) I parked and got out of my truck for the one below. A crowd gathered round me while I was lining up the shot, wondering what I was doing.
It took almost two hours to get to his office. Traffic was crazy on the #1. I CRAWLED.
I don't think I could ever live in Vancouver. Or work there. The commute would wreck me.
We chatted on the sidewalk for awhile, me exploding with enthusiasm about the two days of presentations I'd just sat through, him being a patient listener. When I finally stopped for a breath, I asked him what his plans were. He was meeting friends, so I gave him a hug, got back in my truck and carried on towards Kits Beach. I thought I'd sit under a sunset and re-read my notes.
About 10 minutes later my phone buzzed. Text from Clint: "Hey. If you're still in Vancouver, do you want dinner?"
People. This is the first time in the history of me being a mom that one of my sons has asked, "Do you want to have a meal with me?" FIRST TIME. To heck with reviewing my notes. I turned my truck around and headed back to his office. We walked down to the waterfront and ate outside, at Tap n Barrel on the patio, overlooking False Creek and it was utter awesomeness x 1000.
I didn't wreck the moment by taking any photos but it was a perfect evening.
From there, I drove up to Cultus where the Plett Sisters + one baby boy were all tucked in bed. It was our 7th (?) annual read-a-thon weekend. Our paths would cross for about 8 hours, haha. They go to bed rill early (by 9) and I get up rill late (noon). But it works; the ratio of sleep to reading hours is ideal.
Their piles of books were on the table when I arrived.
I added mine:
I eventually went to bed. Around 3 am.
It was 21 degrees and SUNNY on Saturday, so after my making my houses guests some lunch, I headed out for the walk that I'd been wanting to do all month:
...kicking my way through the leaves on Frosst Creek trail.
And then I fell asleep on a lawnchair at the lake.
Do Saturdays get any better than this?
The lil man woke up 'round 4:
Boo in the book nest:
Lil L and his mom share the other reading perch:
I'm at the table, culling old journals. Time to throw out another batch of deep thoughts and To Do Lists.
Rebekkah prepared a batch of homemade vegetarian peanut butter soup for supper:
It had a million different vegetables in it and was so delish.
Facetiming with the humans back home:
Snuggling sisters:
They lasted til 10 pm, reading about 1000 pages between them.
I got rid of most of my journals.
Win win win.
Sunday was a lazy day. I read one of my Management/Leadership books out on the lawn, in the sun, in a tank top and shorts because I COULD. This weather feels like a gift from God. I have loved every single moment of it.
Three things I'm thankful for:
1. Smart people who share their good ideas in 20 concise minutes.
2. Sons who are free for dinner with their moms on Friday nights.
3. Sunshine on weekends.
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