Monday, June 8, 2020

For such a time as this ...

Even if you're not the sermon-listening-to type, I'd recommend you give this one a chance. Queen Esther's story is so good. And this section is my favorite part... where she is told, "Maybe you are where you are, for such a time as this.." (This whole series has been excellent, but Saturday evening's service just filled me up.)

There is so much unrest and anger and protests and opinions and threats and darkness online these days. Maybe take half an hour and be encouraged. Inspired. Hopeful.

Three things I'm thankful for:

1. THIS WEEKEND; unexpected sunshine, lots of sleep, long walks, random dinner with Clint at midnight in Vancouver on Saturday night.

2. Doctors and nurses. More specifically - MY doctor. And HIS receptionist/nurse. (Sent all my doctors a thank you card and a coffee this week.)

3. My nephew spent a couple days pressure washing the lake house. SO very grateful.

Wash your hands.
Stay safe.

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