Dear God,
Me again.
Wondering about the furnace here. Any particular reason we (me, Jim, two different technicians) can't get it going? A lesson to be learnt? By me? Or just a coincidental bit of bad luck to have it stop working during these days record-breaking cold weather? Any chance You could give us a hand? Divine wisdom for the next guy to fiddle with it? In the meantime, could you erect a hedge of protection around this place? I thinking specifically of the septic system. I'd love to be able to wash the dishes, do a load of laundry, have a bubble bath, take a shower and flush more than once a day. (AND YES, I REALIZE ALL OF THESE THINGS ARE BLESSINGS that most people around the world don't get to experience. I feel weird even asking for them ... There are way bigger prayer requests. So ignore my heat and water issues if You'd rather put energy into these things instead:
Firstly. People have died this year. We know they're with you in heaven, but SO MUCH GRIEVING is happening here on earth because we miss them. We wanted more time with them. God I pray you would fill those mourning spouses, kids, grandkids with peace. This is a hard, cold season and they need comforting. I pray You would draw them close, whisper words of hope into their souls, surround them with Your angels, nudge friends to bring meals and warm socks. Show us how to love those who're hurting the hardest. God I pray that in 2022 You will do something special for these friends.
Secondly. People I love have received shitty diagnosis's this year. Cancer. UGH. Why did that ever get invented? I pray that You would be in charge of the treatment and healing plans for these scared friends. Give their oncologists MUCH wisdom. Like, a boat load of it. Just open their brains and stuff it full of smart thoughts and ideas. And I pray REALLY HARD (does that even make a difference?) that they will be cured of cancer in 2022. You can do it. I'm praying for some HEALING MIRACLES in 2022.
Thirdly. People need to know You. Could you tap them on the shoulder, introduce Yourself? Knock on their heart's door? Open their eyes to SEE? Reveal yourself in song lyrics? Send them an email? Have nature sing to them? Use anything and everything in creation to capture their attention?
It's just past midnight. What a warm way to start the new year.
Ok, getting back to the other things on my mind...
Re: people who don't know You... You're on it, right? Like, You're the Shepherd, looking for Your lost sheep? And you won't quit? Because that's the thing that's giving me peace. Knowing that You are obsessive about saving All Your People. Even the ones who're kinda jerky and stupid right now. Even the ones who are stubborn? Even the ones who feel unworthy? I pray YOUR WILL BE DONE in 2022 in their lives.
Fourthly. Addictions. Grrrrrr. I just watched Dopesick (well You know that. You were watching it with me) and it brought back memories... God, please, help us. Addictions to drugs. Alcohol. Porn. Gambling. Destructive behaviors. Sugar. Exercise. Money. Making money. I pray for help and support and healing for those who're trapped by the addictions in their lives. And I pray for the people who love those addicts. Give them wisdom, and patience and strength. God I pray for your divine meddling in the lives of those who just can't quit. Poke your finger into the hurting bits and stir things up; they need Your touch. May 2022 be a year of hope for those caught in addictions.
.... the furnace crapped out after a few minutes. Stopped praying, watched Mixed Tape on Netflix (perfect New Year's Eve flick.)
Continuing at 4 pm on New Year's Day (furnace still not working; cabin is cold again)...
Fifth. I sent some parcels to England that FedEx is being disagreeable about. Could You clear those things through customs for me? Why does everything feel so difficult these days? Do I need to be topped up in the Patience and/or Wisdom Department? Getting heat at the lake house (last night's miracle only lasted 5 minutes. It's freezing in here again, and I am so discouraged), not knowing what to do with the garbage that's accumulated over Christmas/New Years at the condo and the lake, seeing the weather forecast for 100% chance of snow on Monday and trying to decide if I should cancel the cleaner and plumber who're supposed to come. God, I feel so unable to move forward with anything these past few days. I make a decision only to feel like I made the wrong one.
... took another break from praying to sob my guts out. Talked to my mom. My sister. Made myself supper. Figured out a way to wash the dishes, so I cleaned the kitchen. Feels good to have accomplished SOMETHING...
Back to that Fifth thing: OK, this whole wretched season seems to be about me learning that there are very few things in my life that I can control, despite my best efforts and careful research. So OKFINE. Those parcels, this furnace, that septic system, the paper shortage in North America, my condo with it's overburdened garbage room and snow/ice covered ramp to the underground parking, my kids, friends who are lonely ... I'll just leave it all with you? THAT REALLY SEEMS LIKE A LAZY WAY TO LIVE. I feel like I should look after these 'minor' things so You can concentrate Your divine energies and magic power on those big, life-changing things. I guess I really don't understand who does what in this relationship. Story of my life.
Sixthly. (Pretty sure that's not even a word). Marriages? Relationships? There seems to be so much hurting and unhappiness in our homes. Even though we may not be asking specifically for You to intervene, could You? Could You do that thing where our eyes see each other through Your eyes? Help us see our mates, spouses, children, as You do. Teach us how to love well. Muzzle us before we say hurtful things. Give us patience to listen closely to what is and isn't being said. Stir in us a desire to repair broken relationships, give us courage to say sorry first. Inspire us to pray for each other. Clutter our minds so we don't keep score. Help us to love like you do, outrageously, forever.
Next. Sex Trafficking. I can't think of anything more vile or evil. It needs to end. How can we (You and me and all the experts) do this? Is there something I should be doing? Giving money to an organization? Praying harder (harder = daily? Twice daily? On my knees? Facing east? With no food in my belly?) Do you even need my help? Be real specific about what You want/need me to do. Send me an email, please. If I don't hear from You, I'll speak the name of Jesus over the men who purchase the trapped/enslaved sex workers. I'll pray that they will be physically and painfully ill the next time they are alone with a young slave. I'll pray their hearts and souls and consciences would ache in disgust. I pray You would speak to them, open their eyes, allow them to feel the evil. I pray there would be NO MARKET for sex slaves. That NO ONE would be interested in buying their services. AND I PRAY that You would build a hedge of protection around the kidnapped, stolen, trafficked innocent ones who are afraid and sick and abused and lonely and needing freedom. I pray You have put into place workers who are poised and ready to rescue, law enforcement agents who can and will prosecute the 'owners' of these young ones. I pray for healing and life for those who've been used. God, I speak the name of Jesus over the entire industry. MAKE IT END. Use all Your Mighty Powers to say, NO MORE. THIS IS OVER. THESE ARE MY CHILDREN WHOM I LOVE - AND NO ONE WILL MESS WITH THEIR PRECIOUS LIVES IN THS WAY AGAIN.
Next, or #8. While I'm on a roll, can I pray about Covid? Errhm, how should I pray? What should I ask for? That there would be a cure? That smart people would be able to figure out the sneaky way this virus keeps mutating? That doctors and scientists would work together to keep us safe? That politicians wouldn't use it for their agendas? That families would not be torn apart over vaccination issues? That IF THERE IS A LESSON TO LEARNED BECAUSE OF THIS VIRUS, that we would learn it already? That Your will be done? That the death rate would decrease? That we would all be respectful of each other's views? That we not live in fear? I believe You allowed Covid to 'happen'; and I believe You can use it for Your good purposes. So I will pray towards that end - that You will accomplish great things as a result of this virus and we will say, Glory to God great things He has done.
No. 9 - It's 2022. Say WUT? How did that happen so quickly? What're Your plans for this year? Anything fun? Haha. Looking back, 2011 was the year Max got clean, 2012 was the year so many tough things happened, 2016 was the year dad died and Drew n Dani got married. 2019 was my cancer year, then 2020 and 2021 were all about Covid. Will 2022 be unmemorable, like say 2014 was? Or will it be Part 3 of the 2020 Trilogy? Regardless what the Big Picture plans You have brewing, can I ask for a few small things for my family? 1. That Phase 17 of The Move from Fraser Heights would go smoothly with no weather systems or health issues preventing mom from settling into her new condo this Spring? 2. That You would continue to equip us to be able to do our jobs well? For those of us who need more work/new jobs/clarity re: career, I pray Your will be done. 3. Any chance my kids and I can go on a vacation together? Please say yes. Where should we go? What do you want us to see/experience? 4. We could all use more of You in our lives. Budge in whenever you want, even if we're not particularly welcoming.
Let's end on 10. Tenth. Tenthly. #10 - Let's call this the Prayer Potpourri. A list of one offs. You know who these folks are. You love them, I know You do. Please do big show offy things in their life this year. Things so audacious that they have no choice but to know You've been meddling. Make it profoundly personal. Put your brand/logo on it. Stamp it with a heart. Reveal Yourself. Etc and so on.
- Steady, dependable, meaningful employment that provides an adequate income for M, G, J, J
- Healing from injuries and ailments that have impacted quality of life for H, D, K, M
- Comfort and peace for their souls as they grieve for H, M, D
- Community and a sense of belonging for P, C, K, S, A
- Wisdom with marriage and family issues for A, J, J, D
- Relief from addictions for J, M, R,
- Wisdom, courage and boldness for the leaders in these churches; N, W, C, V
- Revival in these communities: L, A, S, E, K
- Godly, hand-picked spouses for E, E, M, A, C, A, M, S, A, J, J, R, F, R, P, T, A, S,
- Blessings, increased faith, and divine encouragement, please, to my friends, my kid's friends, my friend's kids.
Three things I'm thankful for:
1. Space heaters, warm blankets, slippers, new hoodies.
2. Internet, wifi, electricity, fresh water.
3. Friends who reach out, family who shows up, a God who never leaves.
4. Dentists and their emergency phone line.
5. Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney Plus.
6. One Year Bibles. The verse: "This is what He requires of you - To do what is right, to love mercy and to walk humbly with Your God." (Micah 6:8) Got me through today.
7. Facebook memories. Actually most memories.
8. My mom. It's her birthday in 2 minutes.
9. NOT snow. Or winter.
10. Lastly I am thankful for new pajamas.
Take care, be safe, wash your hands, feel your boobs,
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