Saturday, July 16, 2005

Have you got your copy?

“Let’s get some pizza,” he interjects mid-way through his commentary.
It’s close to 11 pm and we’re on our way home. His week at camp is over and he’s been animated while talking about his experiences.
He calls Panago and orders our standard Friday night meal, a large cheese only and a small ham ‘n pineapple. We’ll wash that down with 2 litres of Barq’s Rootbeer.
“And then, I landed right on my knee and smashed my kneecap.”
“Why were you skateboarding?” I asked.
“I had some free time today. First time since training that I’ve had an hour to do whatever I wanted. And so I went to the skate park and tried to learn how. During teen camp I want to be able to video them from behind while riding a board…”
He’s full of stories. About skits, waterfront, beach party, archery, all nighters, lack of equipment…The rest of us in the truck just listen to him talk.

We swing by the Pizza place and pick up our late night snack.
Sitting around the kitchen table, conversation continues. Clint feels separated from the “real” world while living at camp so he asks Max what’s been happening. Max (who now is a huge fan of the Daily Show) gives a comical recounting of the accidental sale of 14 Harry Potter books earlier this week and the Supreme Court of Canada’s involvement.
“When is Harry Potter going on sale?” Clint asks.
“Tonight at midnight at Chapters,” Max replies.
They look at each other. “Let’s go.”

“Your family is so random,” Mandi says to Drew as they get in the Durango’s back seat.
“Yeah. We are.” Drew agrees proudly.

Fifteen minutes later we joined the nerdiest, weirdest, bizaarest, sweatiest assembly of human beings ever to congregate in a book store.
We were given a number as we passed through the door. Lucky us. We were the 326th customer allowed to purchase the 6th book in Harry’s series. Seconds later the countdown to 12:01 began.
Clint threw his arms around Max and gave him a huge hug. “Happy New Year man.”
“This is the single greatest moment in my life,” Max responded, dripping with emotion.
The girls behind them giggled, "They're so funny..."

They kept busy while I protected our spot in the line. Borrowing two ornamental brooms from the creative display at the front of the store, they made like janitors and went through the store sweeping up the considerable mess left behind from the massive crowds, muttering like two ol’ men doing their job.

Then they put the brooms between their legs and pretended to fly. “Up, up and away…”

When they came back to the line to check on my progress they confirmed that “this is the line for the new Star Wars movie, right?”
Antsy and needing to move, they tucked the brooms between their legs and rode away like the Lone Ranger and Tonto.

Minutes later they were back.
“Our horses were seized. This is the line up for the 4th Lord of the Rings book right?”
“Some guy wanted to know what our intentions were with those brooms. Nerd.”

By 1:00 we were done. (Which is brilliant marketing. Simply brilliant.)
My boss has written a book on Mentoring that will be released in October. I'm to plan the book launch.
Wonder if I can leak a few copies and then get the Supreme Court of Canada involved? I'm sensing I should have brooms on hand as well....

"Hey," Clint observes as he looks over his purchase, "This one isn't as long as her last one."
"Yeah," Max says, "She's getting lazy. The next one will be a pamphlet."

Three things I'm thankful for:
1. It's the weekend. Even if it's another wet one.
2. Conversation. Amongst my boys.
3. Ozonzol. Heals the cracks in my heals. Overnight.

Take care,


Christine Lindsay said...

I tried to leave a comment and it wouldn't let me. I had deleted my own blog so I had to start up another one. Huh!!!

But ain't it awesome when they get home from camp? They are so alive, so confident, so pleased with themselves and life. Don't you wish you could bottle it up for them and unstopper that wonderful feeling to put it under their noses the next time they're down. Hopefully he's got more weeks at camp. I'm so glad. Was praying for him.

And, wow to you. You doing the book launch. Next writers group meeting, I'm gonna touch your elbow. See if by osmosis, something will rub off and maybe I'll get a book launch one day. Heavy sigh. Dream. Dream.

Jane said...

You WILL have a book launch someday. And I'll plan it. That's what Carson's book is...just practice til I can do yours - the important one.