Wednesday, August 24, 2005

In the past 48 hours, he's had 2 dead batteries (once in the Durango, once with his car), he's run out of gas and had a flat tire.

"Well, you'll have to put on the spare, then drive down to get the flat repaired."
"There is no spare."
"What? Did you check?"
"Yup. Nothing there. Besides, I don't have a jack."
"Are you sure? Can't believe we bought that car without checking into that."
"Uh huh."

I'm late picking up Drew. and even later getting to my sister's.

After supper I drive Clint and Max to a youth meeting and call my dad.

He unloads his compressor and fills up the tire. He takes the keys off Clint's desk and opens the trunk. There, right in the front, is the spare, the jack and a wrench.
Dad picks up Clint's licence plate and walks over to the camero.
"He said he was going to have to duct tape it on..." I mention.
"No screws?"
"They're right here..."

What part about having a child driving makes one's life easier?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Once you can sleep while they are out cruising. Once you stop flinching after you here an emergency vehicle near-bye. After-call me when you get there-and no call.What do you mean -you want to drive-up on your own?!In the quiet stillness of the night-when all through the house not a creature is stirring -not even a mouse-that's when you can smile and enjoy it. Everyone's tucked in-everyone's safe. Whewww!!