Monday, August 14, 2006


My friend, Jo-Anne, asked me to decorate her (wedding reception) tent. She supplied me with a bolt of tulle and 4 strands of mini lights.

I mentioned this 'project' to my friend, Terry (who used to work at Billie's as one of my craft teachers and #1 designer of all things ribbon-related.)
"When is it, I bettter help you. You don't do bows," she said with the authority of One Who Knows.
Bu Terry was on vacation this week.
So, I made another phone call to: "Mom? Can you give me a hand on Friday afternoon?"

She transformed this:
To this:
Because that's what moms do.

Speaking of moms...
Do you remember the Five on Friday questions from last week? And I said that the last person I talked to was Clint? And how I missed him and just wanted to connect with him? And how glad I was that someone invented cell phones?
I got to camp on Friday night to pick up Zac 'n Max - and Clint and I had this conversation:
"Hi." I said, happy to see him.
"Hi. I can't take Zac home, I'm giving another kid a ride to Langley. So I'll take Max."
"Langley? We're staying at Cultus this weekend."
"No. I'm going home. I'm not staying."
"When we talked last night, I told you that a bunch of us were staying at the cabin this weekend. I spent the afternoon decorating for a wedding in Chilliwack, and tomorrow I'm going to the wedding...I don't want to be driving back and forth from Langley. We talked about this last night, remember? You said it sounded fine."
"You think I listen to you when you talk?"
I'm crushed. By try to soldier on.
"I sent you an e-mail. Told you we'd be at the cabin. Asked you if I needed to bring anything up for you..."
"I don't read your e-mails. I'm busy."

How stupid do I feel?
Here I think I'm connecting with my son with a late nite chat - and he doesn't even have the phone next to his ear.

Maybe daughters would have been nice.


Christine Lindsay said...

Sorry, dear, daughters are not any easier. Will keep praying he'll see the value of his mother and the value of women. Like I've said before, and you're probably sick of hearing it, it does get better around the 24 age mark. According to car rental businesses and their surveys, age 25 is the magic number when their brains kick in. Right now they're just living on hormones.

Chin up, there's a lot of people who know how valuable you are, and appreciate you, especially the Lord who loves you dearly.

Anonymous said...

beautifull pictures, got anymore of the wedding? Marg