She totally validated the struggle I'm having with this "no chocolate for 100 days" idiocy. And she was not just stating an opinion, she was quoting a FACT that she read in a magazine.
So there.
Her and I met at my parent's new place this evening to check out the granite tops that were delivered and oggle the light fixtures that were installed. Then I looked at her Hawaii photos and she played with my new camera. One hour, that's all either of us could spare... we got all caught up in one hour.
When our kids were younger we used to walk and talk at least 4 times a week and see a movie every other weekend; now with teenaged/graduated children, we manage to connect once a month. For 60 minutes. Just something for you to keep in mind, mothers of youngins'. It gets worse as everyone gets older - your time is not your own. It might never be again. Prepare for that. Don't be bitter. Embrace it. Your attitude is everything.
Good news - God showed me where my missing cards (driver's license and bank card) were. I had my birth certificate and passport (to prove that I was in fact alive when I went to the bank and Motor Vehicle Branch) in my hand when I got into my truck. "OK God, you know where my cards are. I need to find them in the next 2 minutes or I'm going to apply for new ones. Can you show me? Are they here, between the seats, tucked between these CD's that Clint bought Sarah for Christmas but she forgot at the cabin? The ones I'll drop off at their place one of these days? Oh, look, they were there. Cool. Thanks."
Easy as that.
On Wednesday January 10, Drew was supposed to go to Club Volleyball for it's first session.
"I'm not going. You didn't ask me if I wanted to sign up, you're forcing me. I don't want to go. You can't make me. I hate when you do things like this. Don't I get a choice? I'm not going to go. I'm not."
He got angrier as the day wore on, and then it got cancelled because of the snow.
Last week we went through the whole angry-at-mom schtick again. He was furious. I am never allowed to sign him up for anything ever again in his whole life. While he was ranting about volleyball, he threw in camp as well. He doesn't want to go. It will suck. Who said I could register him anyways?
He was a frothing mess by 4 pm when we got the call that said they had to cancel again due to a scheduling error.
He was in fine form this evening as well. "This is gay. I don't want to go. It's going to suck. I hate it that you do this to me. I'm not getting out of the truck. I'm just going to sit here. You can't make me go in. This is retarded, why did you sign me up without asking? Who said I wanted to do this?"
(By the way, I've gone through this with all 3 boys whenever I've tried to enroll them in any type of organized sport. T-Ball was a nightmare. They thought I was punishing them by making them play ball. "I'll be good. Please, don't make me go..." Hockey was a one time experiment never to be repeated. After-school basketball was horrific. I was not prepared for the depth of their relvulsion for activity.)
Anyway, I dropped off a grumpy 12 year old at 6:30 tonight. He was determined to hate it. If his friend didn't show up, (yes, I made sure someone he knew and liked had also registered...I really am not a mean person) if that friend did not show up, he was going to march right back out of that gym. Period. He was one fit-to-be-tied bundle of raging testosterone.
I prayed as I drove away, "God, could tonight not be sucky for him? Please help."
I was back at 8:00. His cheeks were rosy and he was talking to his friend's mom. As we walked out I asked, with some hesitation, "How was it?"
"Surprisingly not sucky. It was quite good actually. First we ..." and he talked the whole way home.
Then we sat side by side at my computer and watched 2 more downloaded episodes of the third season of the office.
Thanks, God.
Three things I'm praying for:
1. For the friend that is going through a health crisis. Know that I'm praying alongside you for an "all clear".
2. For the friend that is having a family crisis. Only God can work this one out. I'm praying "His will be done." And that you'll have the strength to handle whatever that will mean for your family.
3. For the friend that is struggling with anger. Praying that you'll be able to forgive him. And that joy will be restored.
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