Tuesday, March 20, 2012


It's only 10 pm and I'm fighting to keep my burning eyes open. Thinking wears me out.

Three things I'm thankful for:
1. Dad appeared to be peace-filled today.
2. God gives us nuggets of wisdom exactly when we need it. Like mannah.
3. Had a lovely group-cry with both my brother and sister today. Yes. That is something to be thankful for...


PS Are there any other bloggers out there who have run out of space on their blogs? Apparently I've used up my allowable image space and am no longer able to upload pics. Ideas anyone?


Tricia said...

I use photobucket or flickr. they both offer free accounts and have and easy copy and paste feature to put the image on your blog.

ramblin'andie said...

Have you tried that little trick we did a couple of years ago? Add a different email address to this blog. Give it permission to author this blog. Remove permissions for the existing email address. That started my blog from zero again so that I had lots of room. I think you've done it once as well, so maybe you could switch back to the old email address?

Unknown said...

It may not work, but you could try creating a second google account (all your blog photos are uploaded to the picasa account that you have--whether you signed up for it or not). You can then add yourself as a second author, and hope that when you post another picture, it will upload to your second picasa account...

Unknown said...

I don't know if this will work for sure, but it'd be relatively easy to try at any rate...

All the photos you upload to your blog actually get saved in your picasa account (which is one of many elements of your google account). You could try creating a second google account, add yourself as a second author to this blog, and hope that when you post from that account (which will require signing into blogger with that new account info), your new pictures upload to your new picasa account. Everything already on your blog should remain exactly the same and you can give your new self the same admin rights as your old self...