Sunday, June 30, 2013

Summer. It's here.

I have mixed feelings about its arrival.

I'm thrilled that my favorite season has arrived on schedule. And I'm gutted that I will be spending most of the sunshiney hours inside.

Also? I'm trying not to be whiney about it being the hottest day of the year today, and I'm packing/doing a mini move this afternoon. One load to the lake. One load to my mom's.
So. VERY. Thankful... for Max and Drew. And their cheerful willingness to get er done.
And glad that Mark gave Drew a hand getting all the car parts out of the garage.

Next year? It'll be different.
I am not going to move in the summer ever again.

Summer 2014.
Gonna be awesome.


Know what happened ten years ago today?
This Murrayville house became mine.

We picked up the keys and went straight up to the lake. Because summer starts, officially starts, at Cultus. In those days, it was the weekend that everyone opened up their cabins. (And we weren't going to miss that for some dumb new-to-us house in a new-to-us neighbourhood.)

After driving an hour, (and probably) listening to Adventures in Odyssey, I would pull into our Lindell Beach cul-de-sac. One of the kids would open the gate, and that creaking noise was like a signal to all the summer-friends that we'd arrived. The best welcoming committee ever (mostly males between the ages of 7 and 15) would meet us in the side yard, anxious for my boys to hang out.

Hanging out included playing kick the can in the street, walking up to the store to bug Pat, sitting around someone's fire, watching movies, hiking to turtle rock, jumping off our deck onto the trampolines (yes, we had two tramps in those days), or just talking about animals, jacked up on steroids, fighting.

Oh the golden years.

Fast forward then years later.

The Murrayville House echoes now that mostly everything is packed.
And the cabin?
I'm here, right now, officially starting summer, by myself, sitting on the deck, blogging.

They change.

Drew and Max were here for a few minutes. They brought up my flat screen TV and Blue Ray player and set it up in my bedroom. Now I can watch the Vampire Diaries in bed. How fun is that?


Ooops. Sorry, stopped blogging for a few hours.... I tried it out. Watching TV in my bedroom at the cabin is awesome. I watched a 2 episodes.

I'm home now. Can hardly wait to go back.

Know why?
Home is where your TV is.
And where your computer is.

And mine aren't together.
TV is way over there...(at the lake)
My computer is way over there... (at my mom's)

My house?
Feels empty.

Although its blocked by people, that's my desk area behind the kids. Of all the places in my house, I've logged the most hours sitting there.

And now?

The kids took my desk and computer and set it up for me in the unfinished basement area (just outside my bedroom) of my mom's house. They did a great job. Will post pics eventually.

In the meantime, I'll still be living in this house for 7 more sleeps, so I made a makeshift desk/ blogging area at midnight tonight:

Three things I'm thankful for:

1. These boys:

2. This memory:

3. This place:

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